Here is a card game that tests your memory.
- Cut out each of the "cards" on the card pages (you will find them by
clicking on the pages at the bottom).
- Color the cards if you want. There is also a blank card on card page
#3 for you to add your own picture. If the pictures show through to the
other side of the paper, you may want to glue each card to a piece of
cardboard or a thick piece of paper.
- Mix the cards, then lay them face down in rows of 4 each.
- Take turns with another player flipping over two cards at a time. If
the pictures on the two cards match, keep the cards. If the cards do not
match, turn them back over and place them back where they were.
- After all the cards have been matched, count the number of cards that
each player has matched. The player with the most cards wins.
The card pages:
- Page
- Page
- Page

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