Stanford University, B.A. with Honors in Psychology, 1991
University of Washington, Ph.D. in Child Clinical Psychology
Honors and Awards
National Merit Scholar, 1987-1991
Stanford University Psychology Departmental Honors Program, 1990-1991
Noble Hancock Research Grant Recipient, 1990-1991
Stanford University Scholar Athlete Award/Athletic Honor Roll, 1988-1990
Editorial Activity and Professional Service
Student Editor, American Journal of Community Psychology, 1997-1998
Faculty Advisory Board, The Bridge Peer Counseling Center, Stanford University, 1992-1993
Research Positions
9/94- present Research Assistant, Seatte Homeless Adolescent Research Project, University of Washington and Youthcare Inc., Seattle, WA
" Manage data and provide computer support for two federally-funded studies of homeless adolescents.
" Conduct data analyses for journal articles, book chapters, and conference presentations using SPSS, EQS, and HLM software.
" Particpated in construction and implementation of a comprehensive longitudinal survey which tracked substance use, victimization, and socio-emotional functioning in over 350 homeless adolescents.
6/98- present Data Consultant, Independently contracted., Seattle, WA
" Provide support and consultation on data analysis and reporting of statistical results to individual clients.
" Designed, created, and maintained database which tracks client intake and discharge information for a community-based social service agency.
2/92-8/94 Research Health Science Specialist, Center for Health Care Evaluation (formerly the Social Ecology Laboratory), Department of Veterans Affairsand Stanford University Medical Centers, Palo Alto, CA
" Coordinated and carried out data analyses for research studies using SPSS statistical software.
" Co-authored reports, conference presentations, and journal articles.
" Established and maintained computer databases of survey results.
9/90-6/91 Researcher, Psychology Departmental Honors Program, Stanford, CA
9/89-12/90 Research Assistant, Psychology Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Clinical Experience
9/95-present Staff Therapist, University of Washington Psychological Services and Training Center, Seattle, WA
" Provide assessment and psychotherapy to indiviudals and families.
" Focus on adolescents, their parents, and clients with concerns about substance use.
1/98-present Counselor, Threshold Youth Shelter, Youthcare, Inc., Seattle, WA
" Co-lead process-focused group therapy sessions.
" Provide individual psychotherapy to shelter residents.
9/97-9/98 Practicum Student, Addictive Behaviors Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
" Carried-out psychological evaluations of adolescents concerned about their substance use.
" Wrote assessment reports and made recommendations for treatment and follow-up.
9/96-6/97 Practicum Student, Psychological Assessment Service, Childrens Hospital and Medical Center, Seattle, WA
" Conducted psychological assessments of children and adolescents on an inpatient psychiatry ward.
" Wrote comprehensive psychological assessment reports using data from intelligence tests, projective instruments, and behavioral observations.
9/90-6/91 Live-In Counselor, The Bridge Peer Counseling Center, Stanford, CA
" Oversaw the administration of 60 person counseling center staff.
" Coordinated counseling, training, and outreach programs.
" Served as resident staff member for 24 hour crisis-counseling service.
3/89-12/91 Counselor, The Bridge Peer Counseling Center, Stanford, CA
Peer-Reviewed Publications
MacLean, M.G., Paradise, M.J., & Cauce, A.M. (in press). Substance use and psychological adjustment in homeless adolescents: A test of three models. American Journal of Community Psychology.
Cauce, A.M., Paradise, M., Embry, L., Ginzler, J., Morgan, C., Lohr, Y., & Wagner, V. (in press). The characteristics and mental health of homeless adolescents: Age and gender differences. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.
Swindle, R.W., Peterson, K.A., Paradise, M.J. & Moos, R.H. (1995). Measuring substance abuse treatment orientations: The drug and alcohol program treatment inventory. Journal of Substance Abuse, 7. 61-77.
Swindle, R.W., Phibbs, C.S., Paradise, M.J., Recine, B.P., & Moos, R.H. (1995). Inpatient treatment for substance abuse patients with psychiatric disorders: A national study of determinants of readmission. Journal of Substance Abuse, 7. 79-97.
Book Chapters and Technical Reports
Cauce, A.M., Paradise, M., Embry, L., Morgan, C., Lohr, Y., Theofelis, J., Weeden, J., Moore, E., & Wagner, V. (1998). Homeless youth in Seattle: Youth characteristics, mental health needs, and intensive case management. In M.H. Epstein, K. Kutash, & A.J. Duchnowski (Eds.), Community based programming for children with serious emotional disturbances and their families. (pp. 611-632) Austin: Pro-Ed.
Cauce, A.M., Paradise, M., Embry, L., Ryan, K., Lohr, Y., Theofelis, J., Sy, J., Morgan, C., & Wagner, V. (1997). Homeless youth in Seattle: Youth characteristics, mental health needs, and case management. Seattle, WA: Youthcare,Inc.
Peterson, K.A. , Swindle, R.W., Paradise, M.J., and Moos, R.H. (1993).Substance abuse treatment programming in the Department of Veterans Affairs: Program structure and treatment processes. Palo Alto, CA:Program Evaluation and Resource Center and HSR&D Center for Health Care Evaluation.
Peterson, K.A. , Swindle, R.W., Paradise, M.J., and Moos, R.H. (1993).Substance abuse treatment programming in the Department of Veterans Affairs: Staffing, patients, services, and policies. Palo Alto, CA: Program Evaluation and Resource Center and HSR&D Center for Health Care Evaluation.
Symposia and Conference Presentations
Paradise, M.J. & Cauce, A.M. (1998, February). Substance use and delinquency in adolescents: A prospective look at an at-risk sample. In A.M. Cauce (Chair), Family and environmental risk factors affecting homeless and runaway adolescents. Symposium conducted at the Society for Research on Adolescence Conference, San Diego, CA.
Gonzalez, N. Paradise, M. & Mason, C. (1998, February). Neighborhoods and African-American Families. In M. Richards (Chair), Exposure to violence and psychosocial adjustment of urban youth. Symposium conducted at the Society for Research on Adolescence Conference, San Diego, CA.
MacLean, M.G. & Paradise, M.J. (1997, April). Substance use and psychological health in homeless adolescents. In L. B. Whitbeck & A.M. Cauce (Chairs), Risk of behavioral and mental disorders among homeless and runaway adolescents: Results from studies in Seattle and the Midwest. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, DC.
Paradise, M.J. (1991, June) The mediation of recycling behavior: An examination of the roles of convenience and attitude. Paper presented at the Stanford Department of Psychology Honors Conference, Stanford, CA.
Paradise, M.J., MacLean, M.G., & Cauce, A.M. (1996, June) Patterns of substance use among homeless adolescents.Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Convention, San Francisco, CA
Arredondo, E., Ryan-Finn, K.D., Paradise, M.J. & Cauce, A.M. (1995, March) Substance use among African-American adolescent females: Risk and protective factors. Poster presented at Western Psychological Associations annual meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
Peterson, K.A. , Swindle, R.W., Paradise, M.J., and Moos, R.H. (1992, November). The Drug and Alcohol Program Treatment Inventory (DAPTI): A new measure of treatment progress. Poster presented at the American Evaluation Association annual meeting, Seattle, WA.
Under Review and In Preparation
Paradise, M.J., MacLean, M.G. & Cauce, A.M. (1998). Substance use and delinquency during adolescence: A prospective look at an at-risk sample. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Paradise, M.J., Adolescent substance use, problem behaviors, and emotional distress: A growth curve modeling approach. Dissertation proposal, Committee Chair: Ana Mari Cauce.
Teaching Experience
1/98-6/99 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Psych 217-218, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
" Served as teaching assistant for introductory statistics series for undergraduate Psychology majors.
" Supervised undergraduate teaching assistants.
1/97-4/97 Teaching Assistant, Psych 526 Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
" Assisted with curricululm and instruction for graduate-level course on assessment of children.
" Responsible for giving selected lectures, coordinating practice assessments, reviewing assessment reports, and supervising testing sessions.
9/89-4/91 Section Leader, Psych 117, Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
" Facilitated class sections for Peer Counseling Techniques course.
" Responsible for class preparation, organization, and instruction.