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Rice University, Houston, Texas

Economics 508
Microeconomic Theory II
Spring, 2011



General Information

  • Time and place: TTh 9:25am-10:40am, BB271
  • Contact:; Phone: (713) 348-3532; Office: BB 266A
  • Office hours: by appointment

Download class material below






January 10 Lecture 1: Edgeworth boxes. One consumer-one producer economies MWG 15.B,C --
January 12 Lecture 2: Private Ownership Economies. First Welfare Theorem 16.A-C --
January 17 Lecture 3: Second Welfare Theorem MWG 16.D,E --
January 19 Lecture 4: FOC-s for PO and WE MWG 16.F Hw 1, due January 26
January 24 Lecture 5: Existence of Walrasian equilibrium MWG 17 A-C Appendix B, AD paper --
January 26 Lecture 6: The Core of an exchange economy MWG 18 A, B --
January 31 NO CLASS -- --
February 2 Lecture 7: Walrasian equilibrium and the core Aumann's paper Hw 2, due February 9
February 7 Lecture 8: GE under uncertainty. Arrow-Debreu equilibrium MWG 19 A-C --
February 9 Lecture 9: Radner equilibrium MWG 19 D,E --
February 14 Lecture 10: Complete versus incomplete markets MWG 19.F, LRW 1.1-1.5, 1.7 --
February 16 Lecture 11: State prices and arbitrage LRW Ch. 2-3, 6.1-6.4, 6.6-6.7 Hw 3, due February 23
February 21 Lecture 12: Constrained efficiency LRW 15.1-15.3, 16.1-16.4 --
February 23 Lecture 13: Effectively complete markets LRW 16.4-16.6 --
February 25 MIDTERM -- --
March 7 Lecture 14: Normal Form Games. Dominant Strategies MWG 8.A-B, FT 1.1 --
March 9 Lecture 15: Rationalizability and Nash equilibrium MWG 8.C,D; FT 2-3 --
March 14 Lecture 16: Bayesian games MWG 8.E, FT 6. --
March 16 Lecture 17: Extensive-form games: backward induction and SPNE MWG 9.B, Appendix A, FT 3. Hw 4, due March 23
March 21 Lecture 18: Weak perfect Bayesian equilibrium MWG 9.C --
March 23 Lecture 19: Sequential equilibrium MWG 9.D, FT 8.3. --
March 28 Lecture 20: Computation of sequential and weak perfect Bayesian equilibria -- --
March 30 Lecture 21: Signaling MWG 13.C, FT 8 Hw 5, due April 6
April 4 Lecture 22: Screening MWG 13.D, FT 8 --
April 6 Lecture 23: Adverse selection MWG 13.B, FT 8 --
April 11 Lecture 24: Principal-agent models. Hidden actions MWG 14.A,B --
April 13 Review session: Principal-agent models. Hidden information MWG 14.C Hw 6, due April 22
April 18 Review session: General Equilibrium -- --
April 20 Review session: Game Theory -- --