This lab has two parts:
In part A you will carry out a simulation of the Carnot cycle, duplicating figure 8-5 of Oxtoby. From this you will see that the quantity qrev/T is a function of state.
In part B you will prepare for ExpLab8 by simulating the temperature dependence of the solubility product of sodium tetraborate ion. You will use Oxtoby equation 9-6 to model your simulated data. You will use the method of linear least squares to extract the parameters entropy and enthalpy from the data.
To prepare for this lab you should read section 6 of Chapter 7 and sections 3 through 7 of Chapter 8.In addition you will need to preview sections 1 and 5 of Chapter 9. Pay special attention to Figures 8-5 and 9-6 because we will be duplicating them.
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