I am a Professor of Philosophy and Affiliate Faculty at the Center for an Informed Public, Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, eScience Institute, Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, and Society + Technology Program at the University of Washington.
I study the social structure of science from both normative and descriptive perspectives. My theoretical work identifies new ways to conceptualize and taxonomize biases and emerging norms in peer review and the awarding of scientific "credit." My empirical projects have included studies on Black-white disparities in grant review at the National Institutes of Health, gender disparities in funding at the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, and gender homophily in co-authorship across the JSTOR corpus.
In my scholarship, I engage with science policy and academic audiences. My work has been published in venues across fields (e.g., Science, Science Advances, The Lancet, Philosophy of Science, Plos ONE) and has been covered by the Chronicle of Higher Education, STAT, and Chemistry World.
My research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and a Career Enhancement Fellowship funded by the Mellon Foundation and administered by the Institute for Citizens & Scholars.
I'm grateful to have received First Prize for most creative submission to NIH's Peer Review Challenge (with Elena Erosheva) and the Philosophy of Science Association's Prize in Philosophy of Science & Race for my contribution to the paper "NIH Peer Review: Criterion Scores Completely Account for Racial Disparities in Overall Impact Scores" (co-authored with Erosheva, Sheridan Grant, Mei-Ching Chen, Mark D. Lindner, and Richard K. Nakamura).
I serve as a Director at Rapid Science and previously served on the Advisory Boards for the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines and ASAPbio.

Phone: (206) 543-9888
Office: M394 Savery Hall
Mail: Department of Philosophy, Box 353350, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5323-9205