Phys 524, Winter 2007, Thermodynamics and Statistical
Instructor: Aurel
The class will meet MW 10:30 am - 12:20 pm
in PAA A114
Textbook: E.M. Lifshitz and L.D. Landau, Statistical
Physics, 3rd edition, Pergamon Press
We shall try to cover:
Chapter I The fundamental
principles of statistical physics
Chapter II Thermodynamics quantities
Chapter III Gibbs distribution
Chapter IV Ideal gases
Chapter V The Fermi and Bose distributions
Chapter VI Solids
Chpater VII Non-ideal gases
Chpater VIII Phase equilibria (if time permits)
Chapter XI Properties of matter at very high
density (if time permits)
Chapter XII Fluctuations (if time permits)
Exams: January 24th,
February 21 10:30 am - 12:20 pm and March 12 at 8:30 - 10:20 pm
Past exams: exam_1, exam_2,
Grading: 30% exam 1 + 30% exam 2 + 30% exam 3 + 10% homework
Additional suggested texts (they are
all on reserve in Physics library):
Statistical mechanics,
an advanced course with problems
solutions, by R. Kubo, in cooperation with H. Ichimura,
T.Usui and N. Hashizume
Thermodynamics: An
advanced course with problems and
solutions, by R. Kubo in
cooperation with H. Ichimura and others
and non-equilibrium statistical
thermodynamics, by Michel Le Bellac, Fabrice Mortessagne and G.
introduction to thermal physics, by Daniel V. Schroeder