Physics 122,
Section D
Electromagnetism and
Oscillatory Motion
Aurel Bulgac
MWF, 12:30-1:20 pm, PAA A118
PAB B478
Hours: T,Th, 2:30-3:20 pm in the
Study Center, in room AM018 of PAB.
- Course Texts: Tipler and Mosca, "Physics for Scientists and
Engineers", custom UW edition (equivalent to chapters 1-41 of the
regular 6th edition); McDermott and Shaffer "Tutorials in Introductory
Physics"; PHYS12x Lab Manual.
- NOTE: Concurrent enrollment in 12x Lab is mandatory
- Tycho Homework will be due as announced; (Optional: Supplemental
Homework will be due as announced).
- Annoucement will be sent periodically by email.
Physics Introductory Courses 1xx
- Lecture
- Tycho -
- GoPost
Exam 2A
Exam 2B
Exam 3A Exam 3b
statistics for 12x courses
Lecture Instructor's Comments
Welcome to PHYS 12x, a three-quarter sequence of
introductory physics courses for physics and engineering majors. You
should find this course challenging and stimulating, though perhaps it
will not fit your preconceptions of what a university physics course
should be. I hope that you also find it to be interesting and
enjoyable. Have a great quarter!
The course design is a cooperative effort of many faculty, each
of whom is deeply concerned with providing the most effective learning
experience for every student. Each element of the course (lecture, lab
and tutorial) is essential to your mastery of physics. The three
elements are carefully coordinated, but are not necessarily
synchronized. Research has shown that presenting material in cycles, so
that the same topic is approached more than once from different
viewpoints, is a very effective means of encouraging deeper
understanding and long-term retention of ideas.
You are strongly encouraged to visit with me regularly during
office hours, by appointment, by e-mail, by phone, etc. Get used to the
idea of seeing the Professor outside of class during the quarter; it
will pay off for you in many ways as the years go by! This will not
happen unless YOU take the initiative, and now is a great time to start.
Memorization of material is not particularly helpful in this
class. Your goal in this class should be to understand how each new
topic is related to all of the previous material, and how the concepts,
rules and formulae can be applied to solve real-world problems. Never
let anything go by if you do not understand. Generally, ask questions
immediately. If it is inconvenient to interrupt, make a quick note to
yourself and inquire later.
General Comments
- Each quarter, the UW Office of Educational Assessment conducts
surveys of undergraduate courses. For many years, the PHYS121-2-3
courses have been among the courses reportedly requiring the most hours
of work per week outside of class. A typical course will show a span
from 5 hours per week to 20 hours of study per week outside of class.
Many courses claim to require at least two hours outside of class for
each hour in class; PHYS12x delivers.
- Note that MATH 124: (Calculus I) is a prerequisite/corequisite
for this class. However, there is ongoing discussion as to whether
MATH124 should be a strict prerequisite rather than a corequisite for
PHYS122. It is the opinion of many instructors that students who have
already completed MATH125 are at a considerable advantage in PHYS122.
Hence, although it is possible to take the PHYS121-3 and MATH124-6 as
simple corequisites (i.e. P121 with M124, etc.), students who have no
prior experience with either calculus or physics should seriously
consider getting 'one quarter ahead' in the MATH124-6 sequence with
respect to the PHYS121-3 sequence.
- Be aware that many technical majors have a minimum grade
requirement for a core of lower-division technical classes including
the PHYS121-2-3 sequence. Therefore, each student isstrongly urged to discuss
departmental entry requirements with their undergraduate or
departmental advisors, and plan their course loads accordingly. The
course grading policy is detailed below.
Grading Policy
Concurrent enrollment in PHYS12x lecture, tutorial and lab is
mandatory; students will receive a combined grade for lecture, tutorial
and lab. The final course grade is based on the best two of three
midterms, the final exam, the Tycho lecture HW, tutorial participation
and HW, supplemental HW and lecture exercises (using the new infrared
response system), and lab participation and reports. A summary of the
grading policy for this course may be found in the 12X Grading Policy Statement.
However, the lecture
instructor may adjust individual final grades by no more than 0.2 grade
points (about 5 %
out of 4.0 possible) based
on records from the lecture infrared response system and/or the
supplemental homework related to the lecture. This particular
issues will be clarified before the first exam. All percentages
discussed in the policy statement and in the summary below are used to
determine your raw grade, before this adjustment is applied.
- Midterm exams: There will be three closed-book midterm
exams. Each midterm will emphasize recent material, but may include
questions dealing with topics from far earlier in the course. The exams
will include both multiple choice and essay-style questions. Only the
best two of three values of the z-score [(your score - class average) /
(std deviation)] will count toward the final course grade. Your lowest
midterm score (relative to the mean) will be dropped. After correcting
for different average scores on different midterms, the midterms will
contribute 40% to your final raw grade. You are permitted to bring one
8.5"x11" page of notes (front only) to each midterm. Calculators are
permitted. Cell phones, radios, etc. are notpermitted. Laptop
computers are not permitted, and the use of
the text-storage capability now available on many calculators is not permitted. Exams are to be
your own work; you arenot permitted
to collaborate with any other person. The Physics department reserves
the right to ask for valid identification from any student during
- Note that there will be no make-up exams in PHYS 122.
Students with outside professional, service, or career commitments
(i.e. military service, ROTC, professional conference presentation,
NCAA sports, etc.) conflicting exactly with the exam dates must contact
the intructor early
in the quarter to
establish alternate examination procedures. Students who miss an exam
without making prior arrangements with the lecture instructor will drop
that exam score. Except for extreme circumstances, a final grade of 0.0
may be assigned to any student who misses two midterm exams.
- Final Exam: A two-hour closed-book comprehensive final
exam worth 25% of the final raw grade will take place as schedulled by
UW for PHYS 122. This examination will cover material from the entire
course. You are permitted to bring one 8.5"x11" page of notes (front
and back) to the final exam. Calculators are permitted. Cell phones,
radios, etc. are not permitted. Laptop computers
are not permitted, and the use of the text-storage capability now
available on many calculators is not permitted. The final exam is to be
your own work; you are not permitted to collaborate
with any other person.The Physics department reserves the right to ask
for valid identification from any student during examinations. A final
grade of 0.0 may be assigned to any student who does not take the final
- Exam Re-grades: If you believe that the points on the
examination were incorrectly totaled or if there is a gross error in
the grading, you may return an exam for regrading. To do so, you must
resubmit the examination no later than at the beginning of the lecture
following the one in which the exams are returned. You must write a
brief note on the front page or attached to the front page of the exam
explaining the possible error in the grading. Do not make *any*
changes or marks on the other pages of the examination. Portions of each
examination are scanned or photocopied. You should be aware that any
request for a regrade may result in a regrading of the entire exam.
Therefore your total score may increase or decrease.
- Labs and Tutorials: Grading
policies will be explained in your lab and tutorial section. Please
note that grades for lab and tutorial form a significant percentage of
your overall grade for the course. Also, completion of most of
the lab and tutorial work is required in order to pass the course.
For example, if you complete fewer than six labs during the quarter,
and do not make up the work, your grade for the entire course will be
0.0 ! Even completing six of the eight labs will reduce your grade
significantly. Do not skip these important activities!
- Homework:
- Lecture homework will be assigned and collected weekly through
the Tycho system. Supplemental homework will be assigned and collected
as will be explained later.
- Tutorial homework will be assigned and collected in each
tutorial section. One problem from each assignment will be graded in
detail, and will contribute to your score for tutorials.
- There may be computer projects assigned in the tutorial
sections. Computers are available in the Physics Study Center from
8:30am-5:20pm on weekdays and at various other locations around campus.
- Your responsibilty: Check your
grades on the Tycho system every week or two and report any problems to
both the lecture instructor and the relevant TAs (and/or lab/tutorial
faculty) immediately. Lab, tutorial and exam grades should be recorded
for your review within one week from the date that papers are submitted
for grading. Tycho homework grades should be recorded within 24 hours
of submission. Supplemental HW should be recorded every two weeks or
so. Grading problems that are reported in a timely fashion will be
investigated and, if action is warranted, corrected. The lecture, lab and
tutorial instructors may choose to ignore grading complaints that are
not reported in a timely fashion.
The Physics Study Center
Students are encouraged to gather and work cooperatively in small
groups in the Physics Study Center located in room AM018 of PAB. (to
reach the Physics Study Center, go down the stairs that circle behind
the Foucault pendulum and proceed toward the end of the hall). Teaching
assistants will be available for consultation during many portions of
the day if your study group needs assistance, but staffing levels will
not support much individual attention. The Study Center is staffed from
approximately 9:30am to 4:30pm on weekdays.