Here are the correct answers Version A badcaccdbbcbcaaa Version B cbcabbbaaadcaccd The problems again were from end of the chapters with small changes Version A 2.47, 2.72, 3.24, 3.51, 4.31, 4.47, 5.17, 5.70, 6.23, 6.80, 7.11, 7.33, 7.74, 8.55, 8.66, 8.70 Version B 7.11, 7.33, 7.74, 8.55, 6.23, 6.80, 2.47, 2.72, 8.66, 8.70, 3.24, 3.51, 4.31, 4.47, 5.17, 5.70 In the other file you will find your final scores for homework and exams 1, 2 and 3 along with preliminary raw final grades. Those grades over 4 will become 4 and those smaller than 0.7 become 0. A grade for hw, ex1, ex2 and ex3 was computed using the following formula 2.75 + ( Score - Average )/ St.Dev. In this way five grades were generated for hw, ex1, ex2 and two for ex3. The lowest was dropped and the remainig four were averaged to generate the final grade for each student. Those who got 0 on the final is because they did not take it. I shall consider well founded complaints until tomorrow, Friday, June 8, 4:00 pm. All later complaints will be considered only after I return back to US on July 14. All of you have a great Summer. NB The file with scores and grades is large and it takes time to download, so please be patient.