1. If you do not have a University email account, go to most any
computer on campus,
open a web browser (either Netscape or Internet
Explorer should work) and go to
. In the left hand column click on Computing and in the
left hand column of the next page click on
your UW NetID.
2. Logon to http://www.webassign.net/
On the Welcome to WebAssign.net page
enter your username, institution, and password.
Username: This is the
seven digits of your student number.
Institution: washington
(This is lower case.)
Password: Like your username,
this is your student number.
You will be able to (and should) change this later.
3. The menu bar on the next page should include Guide, Change
Password, and FAQs
among other items. These are the most useful.
If you would like to change your
password, here is the place to do it and it
can be done at any time you are on this page.
4. This is also the Current Assignment page. On this page you
will see links to the
homework assignments, your scores on the homework
you have submitted, and
find the due dates for each assignment.
5. If you are new to WebAssign, you should read the Guide.
It is an introduction to
answering questions in WebAssign so the computer
will understand what you are
trying to say. Click on Guide and find the
table of contents along the left side of
the screen. (The pictures there are for decoration.)
Read through the different
sections of the Guide. When you are finished
you should be ready to do the first
homework assign: Intro to WebAssign.
6. There are two ways to get back to the Current Assignments
The Back link
in the table of contents will take you back
to the login page. At this point you can
simply click on Submit without needing
to retype your username, etc. Pushing the
browser's Back button repeatedly will
also return you to that page.
7. Once back to the Current Assignments page, click on
Intro to WebAssign. Answer
the questions and Submit for Grading. This
introductory assignment will not affect
your grade but may make using WebAssign easier.
Scanning down the next page to
come up you will see the questions again along
with your answers. If you missed a
question or problem, there will be a red
X beside the answer box. You may enter a
new answer and resubmit the assignment. Ten
will be permitted.
For the regular chapter assignments, the grade
on your last submission will be
recorded. You should keep in mind that each
problem is personalized and your
numerical result will not necessarily be the
same with the result of one of your
colleagues. You have to work out yourself
the numerics for each of your problems.
The best strategy is to work out each problem
symbolically and at the end perform
the numerical calculations required.
Each numerical answer should have at least
three significant digits.
If you do not provide three significant digits for each numerical
answer it is most likely that your solution
will be graded as wrong.
8. When you are through resubmiting your assignment, scroll to
the bottom of the page
and click on Return to Assignments
Summary. This will take you to the Current
Assignments page where you can
work on the next assignment if desired and available.
9. If you exit the browser, your answers will not be lost if
you have submitted them
for grading. This means that
if you do only a portion of the assignment today and
come back tomorrow, you can begin where
you left off. To do this click on Review
Last Submission for the assignment.
the browser after you are finished.
10. If you have any questions or problems with doing your assignment,
please contact
your instructor: Aurel
Bulgac, (206)685-2988, bulgac@phys.washington.edu.