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Interview Dr. Boersma!

Dr. Dee Boersma is an expert on all things penguin! Below are answers to many of the common questions people have regarding the ecology and biology of penguins around the world. If you have a question, chances are, you will find it below!

Instructions for Conducting An Interview
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What are the threats to the conservation of penguins?
Real 56k | Quicktime 56k | Real Broadband

What is your favorite penguin species?
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What are your current research interests?
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What do you believe to be the most important conservation biology priorities for this century?
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As an individual, what can I do to help penguins?
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I've seen pictures of penguins with tags on them: what are the tags for?
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Boy, satellite tags sound expensive... are they?
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How do you catch a penguin in order to satallite tag it?
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People think of penguins as sweet and loveable. Are they?
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What do penguins eat?
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Are penguins monogomous (i.e. do they keep the same sexual partner over time)?
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Why do some penguin pairs get "divorced"?
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Where in the world are penguins found? Do they only live in cold regions?
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How long to penguins live?
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How are penguins adapted to the environment in which they live?
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Do penguins eat anything on land?
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Do both male and female birds take care of their young?
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How long does it take for a penguin chick to fledge?
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How far to penguins swim to find food?
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Do penguins look for specific food items when foraging?
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What animals eat penguins?
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Do penguins migrate?
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Are any penguins herbiverous?
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I've heard that penguins eat rocks! Do they?
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How many species of penguins are there?
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Where do penguins make nests?
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Are penguin species in trouble? If so, are there particular species that are threatened or endangered?
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Have any species of penguin gone extinct recently?
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Are there any penguins where there are polar bears?
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Did polar bears eat great auks?
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Great auks are extinct. Why can't we just use the genes from a museum specimen to clone the auk and start a new population?
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How can penguins bring back food to their chicks when they have to swim so far in order to get it?
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A male emperor penguin sits on its egg for a very long time before it hatches. How does it have food to feed the chick when it eventually hatches?
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What is a creche?
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How fast can penguins move?
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Are penguins always black and white?
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How long have you been studying magellenic penguins?
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Why are long term studies on penguins important?
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Do penguins fight?
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Why do penguins fight?
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