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Reading – Brian Reed http://faculty.washington.edu/bmreed Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:37:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.21 http://faculty.washington.edu/bmreed/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/cropped-Brian-lecturing-March-2018-32x32.jpg Reading – Brian Reed http://faculty.washington.edu/bmreed 32 32 Hear, Hear http://faculty.washington.edu/bmreed/?p=220 http://faculty.washington.edu/bmreed/?p=220#comments Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:37:27 +0000 http://faculty.washington.edu/bmreed/?p=220 You can now stream or download my lecture “Less is More: Contemporary Poems Composed Through Deletion,” which I gave in August 2012 at the University of Otago in New Zealand. Here’s how the talk was originally advertised: “Since the turn of the millennium, a number of poets have begun composing verse by taking pre-existing texts and selectively deleting words, phrases, sentences, and even whole sections. Does it make sense to call such poets ‘writers’ in anything but a very loose sense, since, instead of generating text, they remove it? Moreover, since they give us nothing but passages of borrowed language with the original word order preserved intact, can we say that they are sharing their unique thoughts, experiences, and emotions? This talk argues that today’s poetry-by-subtraction is best understood as an inventive response to information overload.”

http://faculty.washington.edu/bmreed/?feed=rss2&p=220 1
The Wildcard Bard http://faculty.washington.edu/bmreed/?p=124 http://faculty.washington.edu/bmreed/?p=124#respond Fri, 05 Oct 2012 21:13:08 +0000 http://faculty.washington.edu/bmreed/?p=124 Tonight (October 5th) at Hugo House on CapHill in Seattle I’m reading along with Kasey Mohammad and Heather McHugh as part of a benefit/silent auction to raise money for Caregifted.  Should be a fun evening — come if you can!  I’ll be doing several “covers,” including Dada sound poetry, as well as a few translations, including Jan Andrzej Morsztyn’s totally Goth-Baroque “Do trupa” (“To a Corpse”).

http://faculty.washington.edu/bmreed/?feed=rss2&p=124 0

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