January 1998
We found that although seafloor noise is dominated by microseisms in the band 0.1 to 0.3 Hz there is a well developed minimum in noise from about 0.03 to 0.1 Hz (the noise notch). It is in this noise notch that teleseisms can be most easily detected. In the Cascadia area the overall noise levels are such that only teleseismic events with magnitude greater than 6.5 were usefully recorded. A magnitude 6.6 event in the New Britain area (delta=89 degrees) produced usable P and surface wave data only in this noise notch. Above 1 Hz Stoneley waves, generated by scattering of acoustic waves, propagate energetically in unconsolidated sediments at the seafloor and contribute a large component of noise to vertical seismometer sensors.
In the band .03 to 0.1 Hz the character of compressional waves is very sensitive to water depth and the type of sensor. We show that pressure sensors are especially sensitive to reverberation in the ocean and that motion sensors (seismometers) are less sensitive to ocean reverberations and will record teleseismic phases with less distortion than pressure sensors.
The Cascadia data indicate enhanced P amplitudes at sites on the ridge axes which could be due to focusing caused by a low velocity lens. These data suggest that amplitude information may be as, or even more, useful than P delay times for determining upper mantle structure.
The upper mantle under the oceans is and will be a focus of much study. Example are the 1994-1995 LABATTS (Lau Basin Transmission Tomography Study) (Zhao, Xu, Wiens, Dorman, Webb, Hildebrand, 1997) and the 1995-1996 MELT (Mantle Electromagnetics and Tomography) ( Forsyth and Chave 1994) experiments, in which the goal is to use teleseismic data to determine if the mantle upwells under the East pacific Rise in a narrow conduit due to dynamic flow, or whether it upwells over a broad area as a passive response to spreading.
The general objective of experiments like LABATTS and MELT is summarized in Figure 1 . In these experiments it is expected that teleseisms will be recorded that will allow the use of P delay times from different distances and azimuths to constrain the upper mantle structure. This paper reports results from an experiment in which similar objectives can be addressed in a limited way. Teleseismic data were recorded in 1991 during the NOBS experiment (Noise On Basalt and Sediment), even though the primary objective of this experiment was to compare noise on basaltic seafloor with noise on seafloor with various sediment thicknesses.
The instruments were set with a sampling rate of 32 samples/second to record higher frequency noise. Even with 383 megabytes of data recording capacity this sampling rate precluded continuous recording for a month so the OBS's were run on a 50% duty cycle Recording started on Sept. 7 1991 and ended on Oct. 11 1991. The data were searched for teleseismic events that occurred during the recording period, using the IRIS-DMC event listing as a guide. Only one event, of magnitude 6.6 in New Brittain, had a signal to noise ratio that allowed identification of the P wave. Table 1 shows events of magnitude greater than 6 that occurred between July 7, 1991 and Oct. 19, 1991, giving an indication of the probability of having an event with magnitude greater than 6. The remainder of the paper describes the noise levels on the seafloor and the analysis of the data from this event.
The results are best described in terms of the noise levels in the ocean, the effect of the ocean on teleseismic signals, and character of the data recorded from the New Brittain event..
From about .1 to .3 Hz the noise is dominated by Rayleigh waves with a speed of about 2 km/sec and a frequency twice that of the causal seasurface waves . The wavelength of the noise in this band is about 10 km and this is the so-called microseism noise band. In this band, seafloor noise is correlated with local swell. At frequencies higher than about 0.8 HZ, the seafloor noise correlates with locak wind (Dorman, Schreiner, Bibee and Hildebrand, 1993)
From about 1.0 to 10 Hz motion of the seafloor is dominated by very low velocity interface waves (Scholte or Stoneley waves) caused by scattering of pressure waves at and within the seafloor (Tuthill and Lewis, 1981; Dougherty and Stephen, 1988; Screiner and Dorman, 1990). The speed of these waves is of order 50 to 100 m/sec, giving a wavelength of order 100 m or less. These waves primarily affect seafloor seismometers and not seafloor pressure sensors. This is supported by our data and by the numerical modeling experiments of Dougherty and Stephen, 1988. The consequence of this is that above 1 Hz the vertical seismometer channel is considerably noisier than the pressure sensor
The best signal to noise ratio for teleseisms is to be had in the range .03 to .08 Hz. This can be seen in figure 3 , which shows a typical NOBS pressure spectrum of noise before teleseismic arrivals together with the noise plus the signal from a magnitude 6.5 event in New Brittain. In fact this was the only teleseismic event of sufficient size to be recorded with a usable signal to noise ratio during the month long recording period.
The closest long period seismic land station to the NOBS site is Corvallis, and it is situated almost directly east of the NOBS site. Figure 4 shows a comparison of a pressure sensor at the Cascadia site with the 3 components of motion from Corvallis long period sensors in the band 0.02 to 0.07 Hz. One can clearly identify the Rayleigh Waves and the P phase on the OBS but other phases, such as S, are less clear. In this frequency band the horizontals from the OBS's did not prove to be useful and the vertical was similar to the pressure. Because waves and swell are ubiquitous on the surface of the ocean the noise levels on the sea-floor are generally much higher than at a quiet land site.
Rayleigh waves from all four OBS sites and Corvallis are shown in figure 5 and indicate that the waveforms are sufficiently stable that dispersion properties could be calculated, but only in the noise notch band.
where P=pressure, Uz =vertical displacement; f=frequency; rho=density and alpha=speed of sound in water.
Reflectivity synthetic seismograms (Kennett, 1983) were computed for P waves traveling almost vertically in the water and for several water depths. A sampling interval of 0.5 sec. and an impulsive displacement source function with time history +1,-1 was used for calculating seismograms of displacement. This approximates a step in moment as seen by a velocity sensor. For calculating seismograms of pressure the derivative of the displacement source function (the second derivative of a step) was used. The synthetic seismograms were then bandpass filtered from .01 to .08 Hz to simulate the teleseismic data.
Figure 6 shows the pressure and displacement seismograms for a 5 km thick water layer and the impulsive source. One can clearly see the reverberations associated with the reflections at the sea surface and the seafloor in the pressure seismograms. The reflections are labeled t1, t2, t3 and they are larger than the incident pulse t0 because of reinforcement at the seafloor. Note also the inversion due to the reflection at the seasurface. On the displacement seismograms the reverberations are present but much smaller because of phase cancellation at the seafloor. (A downgoing wave with positive displacement is reflected at the seafloor with a negative displacement. The incident and reflected waves tend to almost cancel with the result that a displacement sensor is far less sensitive to the reverberations than a pressure sensor.).
Figure 7 shows the displacement seismograms bandpass filtered to simulate the teleseisms and, as one expects, the P wave is little affected by the water depth. However in figure 8 we show the same situation for the pressure seismogram and here one sees a dramatic affect of water depth on the record. The water depth not only change the amplitudes but also changes the relative arrival times of the P wave.
Confirmation of these calculations can be seen in data from a small earthquake recorded by a NOBS instrument (figure 9 ). This figure shows the direct P arrival and it’s sea-surface reflection as recorded by a pressure sensor and a vertical seismometer. On the pressure sensor the surface reflection is larger than, and inverted with respect to, the direct P arrival. On the seismometer the surface reflection is essentially nonexistent, because of the cancellation effect at the seafloor.
The resonance frequency of the ocean can be approximately expressed by
fr = (water depth * 4)/(water velocity).
For a13 second period P wave (0.078 Hz) there is a maximum in the resonance curve at 5 km water depth whereas for 2.5 km water depth there is a null in the resonance curve. Clearly water depth will be a major factor in the distortion of teleseismic P waves recorded by pressure sensors on the seafloor. This distortion is much less of a problem for P waves recorded by vertical component seismometers.
In this same frequency band the vertical seismometer data are more variable. At the BLANCO array, with about 10 meters of sediment, the data are fairly consistent across sensors (figure 10b ) whereas at the BASIN array, with about 1000 meters of sediment) the data are much more variable (figure 11b ). We attribute this to the thick sediment section under the FLIP sensors. This sediment section will have a relatively large compliance compared to basalt and would result in larger noise levels on the vertical seismometers.
We have found that the seafloor is in general a noisy environment when compared with quiet sites on land. In particular microseisms generated by seasurface waves contribute much noise from 0.1 to 0.3 Hz. Above 1 Hz Stoneley waves, generated by scattering of acoustic waves, propagate energetically in unconsolidated sediments at the seafloor and contribute a large component of noise to vertical seismometer sensors.
The best signal to noise ratio for teleseisms is to be found in the band 0.03 to 0.1 Hz. In this band surface waves and body waves can be usefully recorded, provided the source event is at least of size magnitude 6 or greater. Below 0.03 Hz infra gravity waves overwhelm teleseismic surface waves and above 0.1 Hz microseismic noise overwhelms teleseismic body phases.
Seafloor pressure sensors are sufficient to record teleseismic P-waves, Rayleigh waves, and some S phases that are converted to P before they reach the seafloor, but there can be considerable distortion of amplitude and phase due to reverberation in the ocean. Seafloor seismometers can record teleseismic phases with less distortion from reverberation than pressure sensors, but coupling and leveling can be a problem here.
The data from the NOBS experiment suggest that events with magnitudes greater than about 6.5 and sites where microseismic noise is low (low ocean swell) will be necessary to acquire teleseismic data that can provide useful information about the upper mantle. Amplitude data could be most diagnostic about low velocity lenses in the upper mantle.
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Figure 2. Location of seismometers
Figure 3. Spectrum of Noise and Earthquake signal.
Figure 4 comparison of COR with OBS12 pressure, p,s, and rayleigh
Figure 5 comparison of Rayleigh waves
Figure 6. Synthetic seismograms for impulse source
Figure 7. Synthetic displacement for band pass signal at 3 depths
Figure 8 Synthetic pressure for band pass signal at 3 depths
Figure 9. Comparison of vertical and pressure sensors using the P-wave from a local earthquake
Figure 10a P-wave across BLANCO array (pressure)
Figure 10b P-wave across BLANCO array (vertical)
Figure 11a. P-waves across BASIN array (pressure)
Figure 11b. P-waves across BASIN array (vertical)
Figure 12a. P-wave amplitudes and delay time (pressure)
Figure 12b. P-wave amplitudes and delay time (vertical)
Table 1. List of events
Brian T.R.Lewis
University of Washington, WB-10
School of Oceanography
Seattle, WA, 98195
LeRoy M. Dorman
University of California
Scripps Inst. of Oceanography
La Jolla, Ca. 92093