Week 1.


Introduction to spread sheet programs, specifically EXCEL.


Week 2.

Downloading data from other computers. FTP and the WWW.



Week 3.

Example 1. Navigation data.

We will download sample data, convert from degrees and minutes to decimal, compute the distance

between two positions using visual basic routines and make plots of the positions.


Week 4.

CTD data

We will download raw data, convert to usable oceanographic units and make plots of the results.


Week 5.

How to compute statistics on data and prepare usable graphs of the

analysis. Size analysis of grain size data will be used as one example.


Week 6.

Some other example, say a time series and computing the spectrum.



Week 7.

Preparing a report that can be viewed on the WEB (writing an HTML document using WORD).


Week 8-10.

Special class projects .

Wrap up and putting class project on the WEB
