Exercise 4: Using EXCEL to process navigation data
We will do the following in this exercise:
1. Aquire navigation data from another computer system using FTP or NETSCAPE . The data reside in an anonymous Ftp account, ie accessible to the public.
The address with the nav data is:
2. Compute the distance between each navigation fix and then compute the total distance travelled.
3. Plot the track chart.
Mathematical considerations.
The equation for the distance between 2 points on a spherical earth can be derived as follows.
Let R be the radius of the sphere, A1 be the latitude of point 1 and B1 be the longitude of point 1.
Let R be the radius of the sphere, A2 be the latitude of point 2 and B2 be the longitude of point 2
Then the vector describing point 1 will be V1 = (R, A1, B1)
and the vector describing point 2 will be V2 = (R, A2, B2)
The distance along the surface of the sphere between points 1 and 2 will then be R*C where C is the angle between 1 and 2 and cos(C) is given by the dot product between V1/R and V2/R.
To be numerically useful we need to transform the latitude and longitude into an orthogonal coordinate system x,y,z. In this system
Now V1 = (x1,y1,z1)
and V2 = (x2,y2,z2)
and V1/R dot V2/R =(x1*x2+y1*y2+z1*z2)/R**2=cos(C).
Expanding and simplifying we get.
Cos(C)= (cos(A1)*cos(B1)*cos(A2)*cos(B2)+cos(A1)*sin(B1)*cos(A2)*sin(B2)+sin(A1)*sin(A2))
= M (say)
Then C = acos(M)
and the distance we want is R*C
Practical considerations:
1. We will need to have the lat and longs expressed in fractions and not in deg and minutes.
2. We need to make sure we are dealing with the correct units (ie radians or degrees, km or miles)
3. Most of the calculations can be done with the Visual Basic component of EXCEL.
For more info on Visual Basic go to the item called visual basic on the Table of Contents for this course.
5. In EXCEL 97 Visual Basic is invoked by using the Tools --> Macro----> Visual Basic
A function to do the navigation calculation is as follows:
Function deltnm(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)
' This function calculates the distance between two points on the surface of the earth.
‘ Comments begin with apostrophe
' convert degrees to radians
50 the = 0.01745329252 * lat1
ale = 0.01745329252 * long1
ths = 0.01745329252 * lat2
als = 0.01745329252 * long2
c = Sin(the)
ak = -Cos(the)
d = Sin(ale)
e = -Cos(ale)
a = ak * e
b = -ak * d
g = -c * e
h = c * d
cp = Sin(ths)
akp = -Cos(ths)
dp = Sin(als)
ep = -Cos(als)
ap = akp * ep
bp = -akp * dp
gp = -cp * ep
hp = cp * dp
c1 = a * ap + b * bp + c * cp
29 delt = acos(c1)
‘ convert to km
deltkm = 6371 * delt
‘ convert to nautical miles
deltnm = deltkm * 3281 / 6076
Exit Function
End Function
Function asin(x)
asin = Atn(x / Sqr(-x * x + 1))
End Function
Function acos(x)
acos = Atn(-x / Sqr(-x * x + 1)) + 1.5708
End Function
Function atan2(x, y)
atan2 = Atn(x / y)
End Function
The procedure immediately above is a function. It returns a value but does not change the spreadsheet environment. A procedure called a Sub does not return a value but can change the environment.
An example of a Sub is given below. This Sub, called "changesign" is designed to change the sign of a cell if the adjacent left cell is negative.
Sub changesign()
' Declare variables
Dim RowNum As Integer, colnum As Integer, currcell As Range, nextcol As Integer, temp As Single
RowNum = ActiveCell.Row ' intialize row number
colnum = ActiveCell.Column ' intitialize col number
nextcol = colnum + 1
Set currcell = ActiveSheet.Cells(RowNum, colnum) ' go to first cell
Set nextcell = ActiveSheet.Cells(RowNum, nextcol) ' get adjacent cell
Do While currcell.Value <> "" ' do while cell not empty
If IsNumeric(currcell.Value) Then ' is cell a number
temp = nextcell.Value
If currcell.Value < 0 Then
nextcell.Value = -1 * temp
End If
End If
RowNum = RowNum + 1
Set currcell = ActiveSheet.Cells(RowNum, colnum)
Set nextcell = ActiveSheet.Cells(RowNum, nextcol) ' get adjacent cell
End Sub
With this you should have enough info to do the exercise.