Name: Brian T.R. Lewis

Address: School of Oceanography, Box 357940

University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195-7940

Date of Birth: 23 May 1940

Citizenship: U.S.


Web page:



B.S., 1961, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

B.S., 1962, University of Witwaterstand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Ph.S., 1970, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

Dissertation: "Isostasy in the United States"


Honors Student, University of Witwaterstand, 1962

Scholarship from Shell Oil (South Africa), 1964-1967


1970 - 1972 Research Associate, Geophysics Program and Department of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

1972 - 1973 Senior Research Associate, Geophysics Program, University of Washington

1972 - 1978 Assistant Professor, Department of Oceanography and Geophysics Program, University of Washington

1978 - 1983 Associate Professor, Department or School of Oceanography; Geophysics Program, University of Washington

1979 - 1980 University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii (sabbatical)

1982 - 1983 Associate Director for Research, School of Oceanography, University of Washington

1983 - present Professor, School of Oceanography and Geophysics Program, University of Washington

1983 - 1987 Director, School of Oceanography, University of Washington

1988 - 1990 Oversight of design and construction of new research vessel for U.W

1991 - 1994 Chair, JOIDES Planning committee and director of the JOIDES office


Marine geophysics; marine seismology; gravity; magnetics; computer modeling of those processes; human population and it's effect on earth's climate.



Department/School Committees

Research Committee, 1971-1974

Academic Affairs Committee, 1975-1978

Faculty Recruitment Committee, 1978-1979

Faculty Recruitment Committee, 1980-1982

School of Oceanography Faculty Council, 1981-1987

Chairman, Faculty Recruitment Committee, 1982-1987

Chairman, Science Committee for R/V Thomas G. Thompson Refit, 1982

Principal Investigator; AGOR23—A replacement for the R/V Thompson, 1987-1991

University Committees

University's Diving Safety Advisory Committee, 1979-1981

Chairman, Subcommittee on Designated Programs for a College of Marine Sciences Task Force on Research, 1980

National and International Committees and Related Activities

JOIDES Site Survey Planning Committee, 1975-1977

Chairman, JOI, Inc., Site Survey Planning Committee, 1977-1980

ONR Acoustics Panel, 1977-1982

Ocean Crustal Dynamics Planning Committee, 1978-1980

U.S. Geodynamics Committee Correspondent, 1978-1980

Chairman and Convenor, Ocean Crustal Dynamics Workshop on Bottom and Near Bottom Observations and Bottom Sampling, 1979

Co-Chief Scientist, D/V Glomar Challenger, DSDP Leg 65, 1979

JOI, Inc., Site Survey Planning Committee, 1980-1981

Program Committee for the Chapman Conference on Oceanic Lithosphere, 1980-1981

Convenor, Geodynamics Transect Across the Pacific Northwest, 1980-1982

Ocean Margin Drilling Program Science Advisory Committee and its Executive Committee, 1980-1983

IUGG Committee on the Oceanic Lithosphere, 1981-1985

Chairman, NSF Advisory Committee for Ocean Sciences, 1986-1988

Other Activities

Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research, 1979-1982

Consultant, Island County, 1981

Washington State Energy Site Evaluation Council, 1981


Courses Taught

Ocean 450, Marine Geophysics

Ocean 506, Physics of Marine Geology Processes

Ocean 571/Geophysics 571, Marine Gravity and Magnetics

Ocean 499, Using computers to analyze oceanographic data

Students Granted Higher Degrees

Thomas Bishop, M.S., 1973

Charles Meeder, M.S., 1975

Barry Keller, M.S., 1978

William Snydsman, Ph.D., 1979

James McClain, Ph.D., 1979

Christine Hanley, M.S., 1979

William Thompson, M.S., 1980

Jonathan Tuthill, M.S., 1980

Paul Wong, M.S., 1980

Jean Hegdal, M.S., 1981 (with J. Garmany)

Kevin McClain, Ph.D., 1981

Jeffrey MacQueen, Ph.D., 1982 (Geophysics)

Guy Cochrane, M.S., 1985

David Johnson, M.S., 1987 (Geophysics)

Heeok Jung, Ph.D., 1988 (Geophysics)

Stuart Denny, M.S., 1988 (Geophysics)

Chris Zervas (Geophysics) 1988

Qwo-Shyh Song (Oceanography) 1990


Development and Application of Acoustic Methods to Study the Formation of Oceanic Lithosphere

ONR (N00014-80-C-0252)

2/81 - 1/84

$1,500,000 (approximate)

Subduction Processes off the Washington-Oregon Margin


1/83 - 11/85


Tectonic Lithification of Sediments, Evidence from Seismic Data

Subcontract to Oregon State University

2/83 - 7/86


Field Theoretical Study

ONR (N00014-84-C-0111)

10/83 - 9/85



A Review of Marine Multi-channel Reflection Seismology in Academia

NSF (OCE-8318517)

1/84 - 6/85


Deep-tow Studies of the Juan de Fuca Ridge


10/85 - 9/87


Detailed Investigation of Subduction Processes in the Middle American Trench

NSF (OCE-8511570)

2/86 - 1/87


Fluid venting processes in the Oregon accretionary prism

NSF OCE # 8614474



Beaufort Ambient Seismo-Acoustics beneath ice cover (BASIC)

ONR (with A. Schultz)







ULF/VLF noise on hard and soft seafloor

ONR (with A. Schultz)


Approx $400,000





Lewis, B.T.R. and R.P. Meyer (1968) A seismic investigation of the upper mantle to the west of Lake Superior. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 58: 565-596.

Dorman, L.M. and B.T.R. Lewis (1970) Experimental isostasy, Part I: Theory of the determination of the isostatic response of the earth to a concentrated load. Journal of Geophysical Research 75: 3357-3366.

Lewis, B.T.R. and L.M. Dorman (1970) Experimental isostasy, Part II: An isostatic model for the U.S.A. derived from gravity and topographic data. Journal of Geophysical Research 75: 3367-3386.

Dorman, L.M. and B.T.R. Lewis (1972) Experimental isostasy, Part III: Inversion of the isostatic Green's function and lateral density changes. Journal of Geophysical Research 77: 3068-3077.

Dorman, L.M. and B.T.R. Lewis (1974) The use of nonlinear functional expansions in calculations of the terrain effect in airborne and marine gravimetry and gradiometry. Geophysics 39: 33-38.

Snydsman, W.E., B.T.R. Lewis and J.S. McClain (1975) Upper mantle velocities on the northern Cocos Plate. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 28: 49-54.

Lister, C.R.B. and B.T.R. Lewis (1976) An ocean-bottom seismometer suitable for arrays. Deep-Sea Research 23: 113-124.

Davis, E.E., C.R.B. Lister and B.T.R. Lewis (1976) Seismic structure of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Ocean bottom seismometer results from the median valley. Journal of Geophysical Research 81: 3541-3555.

Lynn, W.S. and B.T.R. Lewis (1976) Tectonic evolution of the northern Cocos Plate. Geology 4: 718-722.

Johnson, R.V., C.R.B. Lister and B.T.R. Lewis (1977) A direct recording ocean bottom seismometer. Marine Geophysical Researches 3: 65-85.

Lewis, B.T.R. and J.S. McClain (1977) Converted shear waves as seen by ocean bottom seismometers and surface buoys. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 677: 1291-1302.

Lewis, B.T.R. and R.P. Meyer (1977) Upper mantle velocities under the East Coast margin of the U.S. Geophysical Research Letters 4: 341-344.

Lewis, B.T.R. and W.E. Snydsman (1977) Evidence for a low velocity layer at the base of the oceanic crust. Nature, London 266: 340-344.

Meeder, C.A., B.T.R. Lewis and J.S. McClain (1977) Structure of oceanic crust off southern Peru determined from an ocean bottom seismometer. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 37: 13-28.

Wade, U.S., C.R.B. Lister and B.T.R. Lewis (1977) Seismic refraction over Malpelo Ridge in the Panama Basin. In Ramirez, J.E. and L.T. Aldrich (eds.), The Ocean-Continent Transition in Southeast Colombia: 209-236. Institute of Geophysics, University of Javeriana, Bogota.

Keller, B., B.T.R. Lewis, C. Meeder, C.E. Helsley and R.P. Meyer (1978) Explosion seismology studies of active and passive continental margins. Geological and Geophysical Investigations of Continental Margins. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir No. 29: 443-451.

Lewis, B.T.R. (1978) Evolution of ocean crust seismic velocities. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science 6: 377-404.

Lewis, B.T.R. and W.E. Snydsman (1979) Fine structure of the lower oceanic crust on the Cocos Plate. Tectonophysics 55: 87-105.

Lewis, B.T.R. (1979) Periodicities in volcanism and longitudinal magma flow on the East Pacific Rise at 23 N. Geophysical Research Letters 6: 753-816.

McClain, J.S. and B.T.R. Lewis (1980) A seismic experiment at the axis of the East Pacific Rise. Marine Geology 35: 147-169.

Lewis, B.T.R. and P.D. Rabinowitz, eds. (1980) Regional geophysical studies associated with IPOD site surveys. Marine Geology 35: 1-275 (Special Issue).

Lewis, B.T.R. (1981) Isostasy, magma chambers, and plate driving forces on the East Pacific Rise. Journal of Geophysical Research 86: 4868-4880.

Trehu, A. et al. (1981) Microearthquake activity on the OROZCO fracture zone: Preliminary results from Project ROSE. Journal of Geophysical Research 86: 3783-3790.

Sutton, G.H., B.T.R. Lewis, J. Ewing, F.K. Duennebier, B. Iwitake and J.D. Tuthill (1981) An overview and general results of the Lopez Island OBS experiment. Marine Geophysical Researches 5: 3-34.

Lewis, B.T.R. and J.D. Tuthill (1981) Instrumental waveform distortion on ocean bottom seismometers. Marine Geophysical Researches 5: 79-86.

Tuthill, J.D., B.T.R. Lewis and J.D. Garmany (1981) Stonely waves, Lopez Island noise and deep-sea noise from 1 to 5 hz. Marine Geophysical Research 5: 95-108.

Lewis, B.T.R. (1982) Constraints on the structure of the East Pacific Rise from gravity. Journal of Geophysical Research 87: 8491-8500.

Thompson, W.H., B.T.R. Lewis and J.D. Garmany (1982) Crustal structure near the Iceland Research Drilling Project borehole from a seismic refraction survey. Journal of Geophysical Research 87: 6383-6388.

Lewis, B.T.R. and J.D. Garmany (1982) Constraints on structure of the East Pacific Rise from seismic refraction. Journal of Geophysical Research 87: 8417-8425.

McClain, K.J. and B.T.R. Lewis (1982) Geophysical evidence for the absence of a crustal magma chamber under the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge: a contrast with ROSE results. Journal of Geophysical Research 87: 8477-8489.

Lewis, B.T.R. (1983) The thermal model and the East Pacific Rise. Journal of Geophysical Research 88: 3348-3354.

Lewis, B.T.R. (1983) The process of formation of ocean crust. Science 220: 151-157.

Lewis, B.T.R., W.E. Snydsman, J.S. McClain, M.L. Holmes and C.R.B. Lister (1983) Site survey results at the mouth of the Gulf of California, Leg 65. In Lewis, B.T.R., P.T. Robinson, et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 65: 309-317. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Stephan, R.A., S. Johnson and B.T.R. Lewis (1983) The oblique seismic experiment on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 65. In Lewis, B.T.R., P.T. Robinson, et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 65: 319-327. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Lewis, B.T.R. (1983) Temperature, heat flow and lithospheric cooling at the mouth of the Gulf of California. In Lewis, B.T.R., P.T. Robinson, et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 65: 343-355. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Christensen, N.I. and B.T.R. Lewis (1983) Physical properties of Leg 65 basalts. In Lewis, B.T.R., P.T. Robinson, et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 65: 693-696. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Landkamer, C.L., H.P. Johnson and B.T.R. Lewis (1983) A magnetic study of oceanic crust in the vicinity of sites 482, 483 and 485, DSDP Leg 65. In Lewis, B.T.R., P.T. Robinson, et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 65: 697-703. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Kulm, L.D., E. Suess, J.C. Moore, B. Carson, B.T. Lewis, S.D. Ritger, D.C. Kadko, T.M. Thornburg, R.W. Embley, W.D. Rugh, G.J. Massoth, M.G. Langseth, G.R. Cochrane and R.L. Scamman (1986) Oregon subduction zone: Venting, fauna, and carbonates. Science 231: 561-566.

Valdes, C.M., W.D. Mooney, JS.K. Singh, R.P. Meyer, C. Lomnitz, J.H. Luetgert, C.E. Helsley, B.T.R. Lewis and M. Mena (1986) Crustal structure of Oaxaca, Mexico, from seismic refraction measurements. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 76: 547-563.

Tabor, J.H. and B.T.R. Lewis (1986) Crustal structure of the Washington continental margin from refraction data. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 76: 1011-1024.

Cochrane, G.R., B.T.R. Lewis and K.J. McClain (in press) Structure and subduction processes along the Oregon-Washington margin. Subduction zones special issue in Pageoph.

Lewis, B.T.R, VLF/ULF noise on basalt and sedimented seafloor, J.Ac.Soc.Am., 91, 2427, 1992

Lewis, B.T.R and L.M. Dorman, Recording teleseisms on the Seafloor; an example from the Juan de Fuca Plate, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 88, 107-116, 1998

PUBLICATIONS (nonrefereed)

Sutton, G.H., B.T.R. Lewis, J. Ewing, F.K. Duennebier, B. Iwitake and J.D. Tuthill (1980) Lopez Island ocean bottom seismometer intercomparison experiment. Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Technical Report 80-4.

Lewis, B.T.R., Atmospheric carbon dioxide as a proxy for growth of the human population ? 1998



