Brad Davidson

Box 351800

Department of Zoology

University of Washington

Seattle WA 98195

phone: (206) 543-7029

fax: (206) 543-3041



Current Research Interest:

For my thesis work, I am exploring urochordate metamorphosis.  Urochordates occupy a critical evolutionary position as non-vertebrate chordates.  Therefore the study of  urochordate metamorphosis may provide insights into the origins of both chordates and vertebrates.  I am employing a number of molecular techniques to gain further insight into urochordate metamorphic signaling. I have carried out  a series of subtractive hybridizations aimed at probing the expression of genes immediately prior to and after metamorphosis.

This has led to the isolation of a number of interesting transcripts which match identified genes such as Notch, Complement Factor B, Cornichon, Coronin and alpha-NAC.  These genes have well described roles in cell signaling, the immune response, and transcriptional activity.  By characterizing the expression and function of these genes in urochordate metamorphosis we are beginning to gain valuable insight into the role of these genes in urochordates as well as the evolution of developmental pathways within the chordates.



1995 - 2002?   Ph.D. Program; Dept. of Zoology, University of Washington, Seattle, Wa.

1991     B.A. in Biology, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA 


Honors and Awards:

2000 -2001    NSF PRIME Fellowship (Partnerships for Research in Inquiry-based  math, science, and engineering)

 1996- 2000     National Research Service Award predoctoral traineeship (NIH)    

1998       Company of Biologists Travel Fellowship for research conducted at the Station Biologique, Roscoff, France

1998     Huckabay Fellowship for Development of Innovative Curriculum



Davidson, B. and Swalla, B.J. (2001)  Isolation of genes involved in ascidian metamorphosis: EGF signaling and metamorphic competence, Genes Development and Evolution (in Press)


Hodin, J., Hoffman, J., Miner, B. and Davidson, B.J. (2000). Thyroxine and the evolution of lecithotrophic development in echinoids. Proceedings of the Tenth International Echinoderm Conference (in press).


Abstracts of Talks Given at Professional Meetings:

Davidson, B., Swalla, B.J. and Moody, W. (2000) "The Role of Thyroid

Hormones in Urochordate Metamorphosis"  Oral Presentation - Northwest

Regional Developmental Biology Conference; Friday Harbor Laboratories;

Friday Harbor, WA;  March 9-11


Davidson, B.J., Moody, W., and Swalla, B.J. (2000) "Urochordate Cornichon

Homologue may play a role in Metamorphic Signalling"  Develop. Biol.  222:

238 #96. 2001      Tunicate Out of Body Experiences: Extra-Somatic Cell Migration and Other Abstracts of Posters Given at Professional Meetings:

Insights and Observations on Urochordate Metamorphosis, SICB Conference,  Chicago, Ill.

2000       Urochordate cornichon Homologue May Play a Role in Metamorphic EGF Signaling, Society for Developmental Biology Conference, Boulder Co.

2000       Investigations into Urochordate Metamorphosis and Post-larval Development Northwest Regional Developmental Biology Conference, Friday Harbor, WA

1999     Thyroid Hormones and Urochordate Metamorphosis, Northwest

Regional     Developmental Biology Conference, Friday Harbor, WA

1999      Investigations into the Role of Nuclear Receptors in Urochordate

Metamorphosis, Graduate Student Symposium, Univ. of WA.

1998      Explorations of Metamorphosis in the Urochordate Boltenia

villosa, Graduate Student Symposium, Univ. of WA.

1996      Patch Clamp Investigations of  Non-Muscle Cell Types in the

Larvae of Boltenia villosa Graduate Student Symposium, Univ. of WA.


Teaching Experiences:

Graduate School

2000    Designer and co-instructor of inquiry based course on Marine Diversity and Conservation, UW Bothell

2000     Comparative Invertebrate Embryology Lab,  UW Friday Harbor Labs (TA)

1999    Invertebrate Diversity Lab (TA),

1998    Co-Lecturer for  "Animal Diversity" course at Univ. of  Washington

1997     Created and taught lab section for Animal Diversity course

1996     Animal Physiology, Investigative Lab (TA)

1996     Introductory Biology, Traditional Lab (TA)


Pre-Graduate School

1991-1992    High School Biology Teacher, Storm King School, Storm King, NY.

1990-1991    Lab Assistant for Neurobiology course, Swarthmore College

Spring 1989  Environmental Education Instructor, Horizons for Youth, Sharon, Mass.



1997-8 Scientist Mentor for Bryant Elementary School Science Fair Projects

1998-9 Assistant Diver/Instructor in various Elementary School Field Trips


Participation in Academic Service

2000   Graduate Student Rep. - Strategic Planning Committee, Dept. of Zoology

1999   Member of Steering Committee involved in applying for PRIME funding

1998/2000   Organized Developmental Biology Journal Club, Zoology Dept.


Field Station Experience

2000  (summer) Research on ascidian metamorphosis at Friday Harbor Labs

1998  Research project with Prof. Billie Swalla on muscle development in Molgula occulta,

Station Biologique, Roscoff, France

1997  Attended course on Invertebrate Embryology, Friday Harbor Labs,

Friday Harbor, WA.

1996  Research project with Prof. Dennis Willows on T-PEP expression in Tritonia larvae, Friday Harbor Labs, Friday Harbor, Wa.

Research Techniques

Molecular Biology: Trained in RT-PCR,  degenerate PCR, RNA isolation,

Subtractive Hybridization, Library Screening.

Microscopy: Skilled in the use of Fluorescent, Confocal, and Transmission

Electron Microscopes

Embryonic Culture: Skilled in the Identification and Culture of Diverse

Invertebrate Organisms

Electrophysiology: Trained in techniques of Patch Clamp recording,

including whole cell, perforated patch, single channel inside/out patch,

and cell attached methods


Teaching Statement:

I have a longstanding passion for teaching which has strongly influenced my graduate career.  Before entering graduate school I taught biology at a private high school,  an experience which solidified my desire to teach and to refine my skills as an educator.  In my second year of graduate work, I took part in a seminar focused on innovative teaching methods.  This course helped me to access other teaching opportunities including designing and co-teaching an inquiry based lecture for a 200 level zoology course.  Additionally I have received a Huckabay fellowship in 1998  which enabled me to design and teach an innovative course on Marine

Diversity and Conservation at UW. Bothell.  This year I have received a NSF PRIME fellowship which will support me while I work to develop and implement inquiry based science education in a local middle school classroom.  I will also be conducting research on  middle school science education.