
        input =                 Images to be edited
       output =                 Output images
      (cursor = "")             Cursor input
     (logfile = "")             Logfile for record of cursor commands
     (display = yes)            Display images?
 (autodisplay = yes)            Automatic image display?
 (autosurface = yes)            Automatic surface plots?
    (aperture = "circular")     Aperture type
      (radius = 2.)             Substitution radius
      (search = 2.)             Search radius
      (buffer = 1.)             Background buffer width
       (width = 2.)             Background width
      (xorder = 2)              Background x order
      (yorder = 2)              Background y order
       (value = 0.)             Constant value substitution
       (sigma = INDEF)          Added noise sigma
        (angh = -33.)           Horizontal viewing angle (degrees)
        (angv = 25.)            Vertical viewing angle (degrees)
     (command = "display $image 1 erase=$erase fill=yes order=0 >& dev$null") Display command
    (graphics = "stdgraph")     Graphics device
     (default = "b")            Default option for x-y input
      (fixpix = no)             Fixpix style input?
        (mode = "ql")           

Useful Cursor Key Commands

c - interpolates along rows

s - make surface plot to see subtle cosmic rays

u - undo previous operation (only one level available)