Animal Behavior Courses for Academic
Year 2010-11 and 2011-12
Autumn 2010 |
Winter 2011 |
Spring 2011 |
200 Animal Behavior 300 Animal Behavior 330 Lab Animal Behavior 480 Ideas Human Nature |
300 Animal Behavior 330 Lab Animal Behavior *409 Sociobiology *458 Behavior Genetics |
200 Animal Behavior 330 Lab Animal Behavior *406 Insect Behavior 416 Animal Communication 419 Zoo Animal Behavior 459 Evolutionary Psychology |
Autumn 2011 |
Winter 2012 |
Spring 2012 |
300 Animal Behavior 330 Lab Animal Behavior *408 Mechanisms Anim Behav 480 Ideas Human Nature |
300 Animal Behavior 330 Lab Animal Behavior *409 Sociobiology 486 Animal Mind |
200 Animal Behavior 330 Lab Animal Behavior 416 Animal Communication 459 Evolutionary Psychology |
* cross-listed with Biology (can be taken under either listing its the same course)
difficult to get into unless you are a Psych major
can download a pdf of this list here.
PSYCH 200 Comparative Animal Behavior (5) NW Barash, Beecher, O'Donnell
Research methods and findings of comparative animal behavior, their importance to an understanding of human behavior; rationale for study of behavioral differences/similarities between animal species, behavior viewed as part of adaptation of each species to its natural habitat. Not open for credit to students who have taken PSYCH 300.
PSYCH 300 Animal Behavior (5) NW Barash, Beecher, O'Donnell, Sisneros
Introduces important concepts and empirical findings in animal behavior. Emphasizes evolutionary and mechanistic approaches to understanding diversity and complexity of behavior. Topics include communication, mating, migration, and sociality. Prerequisite: either BIOL 118, BIOL 161, or BIOL 180.
PSYCH 330 Laboratory in Animal Behavior (5) NW Brenowitz
Experience with a variety of animal species and experimental procedures and instrumentation. Prerequisite: either 2.0 PSYCH 315, or 2.0 in PSYCH 317; 2.0 in PSYCH 209.
PSYCH/BIO 406 Insect Behavior (4) NW O'Donnell
Explores complexity and diversity of behavior in insects and related invertebrate animals. Overview of important lineages of insects and major behavioral traits. Examines how insect biology both constrains behavior and provides evolutionary opportunities. Prerequisite: either 2.0 in BIOL 180, 3.5 in PSYCH 200, or 2.0 in PSYCH 300. Offered: jointly with BIOL 406.
PSYCH/BIO 408 Mechanisms of Animal Behavior (4) NW Beecher, Brenowitz, Sisneros
Comparative exploration of physiological and perceptual mechanisms that control behaviors necessary for survival and reproduction in animals. Model systems discussed include animal communication, mate choice, escape behavior, learning and memory, orientation, biological rhythms, foraging behavior. Prerequisite: either 2.0 in BIOL 180, or 3.5 in PSYCH 200, or 2.0 in PSYCH 300. Offered: jointly with BIOL 408.
PSYCH/BIO 409 Sociobiology (5) NW
Biological bases of social behavior, emphasizing evolution as a paradigm. Emphasizes how to think like evolutionary biologist, especially with regard to interest conflict. Topics are individual versus group selection, kin selection, altruism, mating systems, sexual conflict, alternate reproductive strategies, and parent/offspring conflict. Prerequisite: either 3.5 in PSYCH 200, 2.0 in PSYCH 300, or 2.0 in BIOL 180. Offered: jointly with BIOL 409.
PSYCH 416 Animal Communication (5) NW Beecher, Brenowitz, O'Donnell, Sisneros
Evolution and mechanisms of animal communication and related processes of perception, thinking, and social behavior. Prerequisite: either 2.0 in BIOL 180, 3.5 in PSYCH 200, or 2.0 in PSYCH 300.
PSYCH 419 Behavioral Studies of Zoo Animals (5, max. 10) NW Renee Ha
Observational studies of behavior of zoo animals to expand basic knowledge of animal behavior, conservation of endangered species, and research methodology with discussions and tours focusing on zoo philosophy and operations. Offered in cooperation with Woodland Park Zoo. Prerequisite: either 2.0 in BIOL 180, 3.5 in PSYCH 200, or 2.0 in PSYCH 300.
PSYCH/BIO 458 Behavioral Genetics (4) NW O'Donnell
Role of genetics in determining variation in human and animal behavior and in regulating behavioral development. Techniques for quantifying genetic variation, behavioral effects, and gene expression. Prerequisite: either 3.5 in PSYCH 200, 2.0 in PSYCH 300, or 2.0 in BIOL 180. Offered: jointly with BIOL 458.
PSYCH 459 Evolutionary Psychology (4) I&S/NW Barash, Beecher
Explores human behavior from the perspective of biological evolution. Covers core issues such as cooperation, communication, aggression, mating, reproduction, and parental and family interactions, as well as specialized applications within psychology such as psychopathology. Encourages a critical, skeptical examination of this new field. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 3.5 in PSYCH 200 or a 2.0 in PSYCH 300.
PSYCH 480 Ideas of Human Nature (5) I&
Reviews various approaches to the nature of human nature, including ideas from ancient philosophy, theories of the soul, empiricism, idealism, conditioning, social constructions, concepts of Freud, Marx, the existentialists, and neo-Darwinism. Prerequisite: PSYCH 101.
PSYCH 485 Primate Conservation Biology and Behavior (5) NW Kyes
Examines the principles and concepts of conservation biology as they apply to the nonhuman primates with special attention to theoretical advances, conservation strategies, and management practices central to primate conservation. Prerequisite: either 3.5 in PSYCH 200 or 2.0 in PSYCH 300 or 2.0 in BIO A 201.
PSYCH 486 Animal Mind (4) NW Beecher, O'Donnell
Explores the cognitive capacities of animals. Focuses on
the classical question, first clearly posed by