There will be approximately 5 bi-weekly homework assignments. Homework is self graded and is NOT turned in. Homework assignments consist of problems taken from the text. To test your understanding of the material covered, you should work as many homework and additional problems as required. We highly recommend that you work all assigned problems prior to each examination.
Our courseMyLab & Mastering web site contains solutions to text exercises under Tools for Success. You will find answers to the odd numbered exercises, chapter review questions, check point exercises, and chapter tests.
Missed Examinations
Hourly examinations closely parallel the chapter quizzes and the Practice Exams available on MyLab & Mastering. If you miss an hourly exam because of either illness, or an unavoidable emergency the day of the examination, you may ask the instructor if you can reschedule. If permission is granted, the hourly exam may be rescheduled, but only for these two exceptional reasons. A Doctor's signed statement is required for an excused absence due to an illness. Exams missed for any other reason (i.e., a class conflict, a sporting event, a job interview, etc.) MUST be approved by the instructor and preferably a week in advance. All re-scheduled exams must be taken within one week of the original exam date. No rescheduling of the fifth hourly exam or the Final Exam is permitted.
Note: All hourly examinations and the final examination are taken on the dates shown on the MyLab & Mastering web site at the Course Home and Examination Dates tabs. You have some flexibility regarding the specific time to take the exams on the stated dates as we offer the exams at two times during the day. All examinations are taken on the Seattle campus in a room location to be announced at a later date. If you wish to take the exams at an off-campus site such as a regional library please let the instructor know at least a week in advance so alternate arrangements may be made.