Welcome to Q SCI 381C. Here you will find helpful information about this course. You are also encouraged to review our class web site and read the information about the course posted on the MyLab & Mastering Course Content web site .
This course is delivered using a hybrid approach.
The homework problems are NOT turned in for grading. You may check your understanding by logging onto the MyLab & Mastering web site and check answers to the odd numbered exercises (see Chapter Contents tab). In addition, there are numerous online MyLab & Mastering homework problems that can be worked to test your level of understanding. Note to use MyLab & Mastering make sure you are using one of the approved browsers for MyMathLab.
Student Learning Goals
MyLab & Mastering
You should purchase access to additional online course materials which are available at our MyLab & Mastering web site. This is especially important since no formal class lectures are included as part of this course. To register to use MyLab & Mastering, visit the MyLab & Mastering web site and under the Register tab click the Student dialog box. If you already purchased access to MyLab & Mastering enter the course id bare59952 and proceed. The access code you need to use MyLab & Mastering is packaged with your text book (if purchased new from the U Bookstore). If you have not already purchased access to MyLab & Mastering click the Students box in the horizontal bar near the top of the MyLab & Mastering page and then follow the instructions for registering and buying access.
As stated above, if you purchased a used text, or did not purchase your new text from the U Bookstore, you may purchase an access code for MyLab & Mastering online by clicking the Students box in the horizontal bar near the top of the MyLab & Mastering web page and following the instructions. The MyLab & Mastering web site also contains additional online quizzes and exams that you may examine at your leisure to test your understanding of the course material. None of these online practice exams are graded as part of your course grade but are solely for your benefit to test your knowledge.
Online Text Book
If you prefer to purchase an online or printed copy of the text, visit the text web site and explore the options shown. Do not purchase your text for this course until you have read the information on the text book web page.
Miscellaneous Information About MyLab & Mastering
Please note: There is nothing to install on your computer; just use the web-based tools contained in MyLab & Mastering.
You may also find the online Multimedia Library helpful. It contains an online version of the text, Student's Solution Manual, powerpoint slides, video lectures, statlets and access to StatCrunch - online statistical computing software. A version also exists for your mobile device. Please use them if you desire additional help. The Multimedia Library is accessible from the MyLab & Mastering web site after you login.
In addition, when you purchase access to MyLab & Mastering, you have access to a Prentice-Hall Tutor available via telephone or email.