Text Book (Required): Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences(Plus MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access Code Card), 13/E, Barnett, Ziegler, and Byleen, Pearson, 2015, ISBN-10: 0321925130. You should purchase the textbook package from the University Bookstore as it provides a printed copy of the text as well as access to the MyLab & Mastering web site. You may also rent a new text package from the Bookstore to gain access to MyLab & Mastering. MyLab & Mastering provides an online version of the text as well as access to many multimedia tools including instructional videos. If you purchase a printed copy of the text that does not include access to MyLab & Mastering, you may purchase access to MyLab & Mastering online at the MyLab & Mastering web site by clicking the Students tab in the horizontal bar near the top of the MyLab & Mastering page and then follow the instructions for registering and buying access. The course id is bareXXXXX. Remember, purchase of access to MyLab & Mastering also provides access to the online text book, other multimedia tools, and the Prentice-Hall Tutor Center.
Reserve Book: A copy of the printed text is on reserve at the Odegaard Undergraduate Library. Under Course Reserves, type Q SCI 291 to locate the text (13th Edition).
Online and Printed Versions of the Text Book: If you wish to purchase an online or printed copy of the text (without access to MyLab & Mastering), visit this site and explore the printed and digital options shown.
Student Solution's Manual: Access to the student's solution manual is available online if you purchase the shrink-wrapped package described above from the University Bookstore. This manual is accessible from the MyLab & Mastering web site at the Chapter Contents tab.The manual contains solutions to odd-numbered section exercises and odd and even-numbered Chapter Review exercises.
Multimedia Resources: You may view a series of videos for every example problem in the text. These videos are available on the MyLab & Mastering web site at the Multimedia Library tab (check the chapter and section of interest).