Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 11:05:32 -0800
Dear CFR Faculty:
I would like to take a moment to report the results of the EFC "budget
poll" which closed earlier this week. Thank you to the 21 faculty who
responded either by email, anonymous letter to my mailbox, or just stopped
by my office to chat. I appreciate it, very much.
Please keep in mind I used a rather unscientific method in crafting the
poll, framed the questions in a manner suggested by Faculty Senate
Leadership, and consulted other EFC members for the final wording in the
poll. The intent was to gather information from the faculty for input to
the dean as he considers various budget reduction scenarios and to report
the results back to the faculty.
Most consensus was found among the faculty for the items that should
receive "protection" from budget reductions, two or three items stood in
front of everything else. There was much lower consensus on most items
for where reductions should be focused. Only one item stood out from the
rest. Here are the results.
Items to "protect" in CFR:
Items on which to focus "reductions" in CFR:
Other cost-cutting measures were suggested such as giving back a portion
of faculty tenure, putting motion detectors on lights, securing office
supplies, etc.
The faculty were split on the issue of returning a portion of tenure, or
other forms of pay cut. Exactly half who responded directly to that issue
(8 faculty in total) found it "palatable" (the wording in the poll), half
found it unpalatable.
The EFC is reviewing these poll results, reviewing what the BAC has
recommended, and will be providing its input to the dean as quickly as
possible. The timeline for this whole process has been quite short; in my
opinion, way too short. The Provost shortened the timeline substantially
after the BAC began deliberations. However, I do not see how the BAC
could have shortened its deliberations any more than it did, given the
complexity and sometimes conflicting nature of the issues involved.
Thank you again, for providing your valuable input to this very important
process. Please feel free to contact me or any other members of the EFC
with further ideas and / or discussion on these matters.
Eric Turnblom
From: Eric Turnblom
To: CFR Faculty Email
Subject: [Faccfr] EFC budget poll - Results
- stated by 24% of respondents
- a few suggest stronger links to enrollment
- stated by 19% of respondents
- stated by 14% of respondents
- stated by 10% of respondents
- stated by 10% of respondents
- stated by 5% of respondents
- stated by 24% of respondents
- stated by 10% of respondents
- stated by 10% of respondents
- stated by 10% of respondents
- stated by 5% of respondents
- stated by 5% of respondents
Chair, CFR EFC
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College of Forest Resources