(NAME) Division
College of Forest Resources, (BOX NUMBER)
Effective (DATE), your salary sources will be adjusted in recognition of the special salary rate that has been approved for you. Your new annual University of Washington (UW) base salary will be (AMOUNT). This new base salary will have two components. The first component will be associated with the tenure level of your UW appointment, an amount equal to the value of your state position number (####), amount ($XXXX), and (XX)% FTE. The first component will remain eligible for all state-legislated salary increases. Your tenured position will be reduced by the %FTE now supported by the second component. The second component amount ($XXXX) and (XX)%FTE will be contingent on your ability to generate necessary funding from grants, contracts or other self-sustaining sources. This new salary structure is irrevocable and will not change your academic responsibilities to the (NAME) Division and the College of Forest Resources.
Please indicate your acceptance of these new arrangements by signing the statement below and returning this letter to me by (DATE). Upon receipt of your acceptance, I will forward this request through the Dean to the Provost for their consideration. We will implement this new rate on (DATE) if so approved.
(NAME) Division
I have read, understand, and accept the new arrangements described above. I accept that I now hold (XX)% FTE tenure in the College of Forest Resources.
Dean, College of Forest Resources (date)
Provost, University of Washington (date)