Slide 11 of 27
The American Tree Farm System was established over 50-years ago to foster good forest management practices on private forest lands. Timber harvesting as well as wildlife habitat, water quality, and forest protection activities must be addressed in prescribed management plans. Second and/or third party verification of proposed plans are required. In 1998, the National Forestry Association established the Green Tag Forestry Program for use on non-industrial forest land sin the USA. Certification is performed by a Green Tag member (second party) who visits the property and reviews the management plan. Ten certification criteria are included in the program.
The Forest Stewardship Council’s certification program includes ten principles: #1-8 refer to the management of natural forests, #9 to the conversion of natural forests and #10 to plantation forests. FSC uses these principles to identify well managed forests and not sustainable forests. May create trade barriers as it seems to be biased against plantation forests in favor of natural forests. The Canadian Standards Association and the ISO 14001 standards were discussed on slide nine.
Three levels of certification are associated with the forest certification schemes discussed herein.
Society of American Foresters. 1999. Task Force on Forest Management Certification Programs, Washington, D.C. Also available at:
Sedjo, R.A., A. Goetzl and S.O. Moffat. 1998. Sustainability of Temperate Forests, Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C.
Pan European Forest Certification,