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As certification systems evolve over time, it is clear that each adopts the best characteristics of other systems. Thus, the two approaches are blending together.
ISO Technical Report (TR 14061) issued in 1998 discusses how forestry organizations can work within the ISO 14001 EMS standards (and other sections of 14000) to establish standards that conform to sustainable forestry principles. It outlines principles, criteria and indicators for achieving sustainable forest management. The Canadian Standards Association Sustainable Forest Management Standards and the AF & PA Sustainable Forestry Initiative Standards are are based on ISO 14001, but also involve performance-based aspects.
Sedjo, R.A., A. Goetzl and S.O. Moffat. 1998. Sustainability of Temperate Forests, Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C.
Hansen, E., K. Forsyth and H. Juslin. 1999 and 2000. Forest Certification Update for the ECE Region, Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Papers, UN Economic Commission for Europe, FAO, Timber Section, Geneva, Switzerland.