The following are several files from HLM, MLwiN, and SAS for

the sparse data design.

The files are as follows:


Simspar3.dat - Visit Level Data

Simspar2.dat - Patient Level Data

Simspar1.dat - Doctor Level Data

Sparse.rsp - Response file to create the HLM ssm file. You will need to

change the directory names in this file.

Sparse.hlm - The command file to run the model.


You will need the glimmix macro for these programs to run.

Simspar.sd2 - Sas dataset (PC) for sparse data design - Program file for running the mql model - Program file for running the pql model - Program file for running the mql model, restricted likelihood - Program file for running the pql model, restricted likelihood

MLwiN - MLwiN worksheet.

There aren't any command files associated with this file. To run the models,

do the following steps.

After opening the data file, click on the Equations window option under

the Window menu. If you click on estimates at the bottom of the window

twice, you will get the results from the first order pql model. To

rerun this model, click the start button. To change the nonlinear

options, click on the nonlinear button to change approximation (mql or

pql), order of approximation, and other options. To change between

restricted and full estimation, click on estimation control. After

changing options, click on start to get results for the new model.


For two SAS options, please see the annotated files and