This is the course website for HCDE 548, Advanced Topics in Information Visualization.
Cecilia Aragon
407A Sieg Hall, 206-221-0323
Office Hours: By appointment
Best way to contact me is via email: aragon (at) uw. edu
Course Objectives
This seminar class will focus on discussion of current infovis research topics and will include hands-on design exercises and critiques. Each session will involve discussion of recent papers on topics related to information visualization, text visualization or visual analytics. Topics to be covered may include: appropriate allocation of visual attributes to data variables, designing with color and luminance contrast, the psychology of human vision and perception, visual analytics, interaction, storytelling, text visualization, text visual analytics, big data visualization, uncertainty visualization, network visualization, cartographic visualization, distance cartograms, animation and time series visualization, and class preferences. Students are encouraged to bring in ongoing research.
The final report will consist of a paper on a particular information visualization topic. This report may be an iteration of an in-class discussion or may relate to the student's existing research goals. Alternatively, the student may create an interactive information visualization on a topic of their choosing. Report/project topics will be determined jointly by students and instructor. Examples of interactive visualization can be seen at http://www.wefeelfine.org/ or http://www.gapminder.org. These are professional efforts and are intended to serve as aspirational. Class projects will focus on a single design goal and are intended to be much smaller in scope. Previous class projects can be seen at http://faculty.washington.edu/aragon/classes/hcde548/w14/.
Class Meetings
Class meets TTh 1:30-3:20pm in 129 Sieg Hall.
Grades will be determined as follows:
- 80% in-class work, paper write-ups, presentations and class participation
- 20% final report/project
In-class work and class participation cannot be made up.
Final projects cannot be turned in late.
Readings and Books
Readings will consist of papers that will be accessible online or handed out in class.