Welcome to Podcasting Experiment






For an introduction to podcasting or instructions on how to sign up, please see below.



Ortho Shoulder Update  February 6, 2006

A Shoulder update my Dr. Matsen. See all previous University of Washington's Orthopaedics Podcasts here.

SCHEDULE: Monday, Wednesday

Copy and paste this link

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February 6, 2006

V-day Movie to demonstrate .mov potential

February 2, 2006

Tatu mpg video

January 30, 2006

Even older podcast of stuff

January 18, 2006

Podcast about podcasting

Note: MP3 links icons for demonstration only



What is Podcasting?

Podcasting enables you to listen to audio files at the time and place of your choosing. To begin, you must have podcasting software installed on your computer (see below for options). Follow your program's instructions for subscribing to podcasts and modifying preference settings for updates, for example daily or weekly. You can listen directly from your computer through the software, or on-the-go by synching up a portable MP3 player, such as an iPod.

How to subscribe to a podcast
If you use iTunes or My Yahoo, click on the icon to take you directly to that podcasting service.
1) Click on the box containing the podcast's link.
2) Copy the link (PC users: right click and select "Copy Shortcut," Mac users: click and hold the mouse button and then select "Copy")
3) Paste the link into the subscription field of your podcasting software. This process may vary depending on your software. Free Podcasting Software