Latin 520 ('Schooling the Emperor'): Assignment for Week 10 (30 May - June 3)



Pliny, Panegyricus 44-95.


Remember that we will spend the first hour finishing up the Pan., and the second hour with our first two presentations (by Anna and Luo). Anna and Luo: please note that I'd like to have your abstracts by end of day Monday; and for the rest of you, by end of day on Tuesday.


Rather than attempt to orchestrate the conversation, I'd like you to come with (further) thoughts about the Pan., especially (but not exclusively) about how it relates (or does not) to the Quintilian and/or Tacitus we've read.




I shall post on our website for your reading pleasure Paul Roche's contribution to the book he edited on the Pan. (Pliny's Praise, Cambridge 2011) -- 'Pliny's Thanksgiving: an introduction to the Panegyricus' (pp. 1-28) and D.C. Innes contribution in the same book, 'The Panegyricus and rhetorical theory' (pp. 67-84). The latter features a short but good discussion of the influence of Quintilian on the speech.