Assignment Sheet for

Latin 423: Cicero and Sallust

Winter Quarter 2015

TTh 2:30-3:50, MGH 253


Prof. A.M. Gowing

Denny Hall M-24

Office Hour: M 10-11


Required Texts: J.T. Ramsey, ed.  Sallust's Bellum Catilinae, 2nd edition (Oxford 2007)

            A. R. Dyck, ed. Cicero Catilinarians (Cambridge 2008)


NB: Oxford USA offers a supplementary website to the Ramsey text which features some additions to the hardcopy, including an up-to-date bibliography, a ÔwhoÕs whoÕ in the Cat., a vocabulary list as well as downloadable pdfs of the text (note, however, that it does not include the commentary!):


Grading: Class participation and daily preparation - 10%

            Paper - 15%, ca. 5 type-written pages in length, on a topic of your choosing and approved by me.  This may be handed in any time after the mid-term (Feb. 12) but no later than March 17.

            Mid-term examination - 35%

            Final examination - 40%


Course website:


I will post here this syllabus and links to other, potentially useful resources.


Reading Assignments:


            8: Ramsey's Introduction, pp. 1-23; Sallust Cat. 1-2


            13: Cat. 3-11

            15: Cat. 12-14


            20: Cat. 15-24

            22: Cat. 25-28


            27: Cat. 29-39

            29: Cat. 40-43


Feb.  3: Cat. 44-51

5: Cat. 52



            10: Cat. 53-61

            12: MIDTERM


            17: DyckÕs Introduction, pp. 1-21.  Cicero Cat. 1, Chapter I=Cat. 1.1 (Chapter numbers are those in brackets on the left hand side of the page).  All subsequent readings are in Cat. 1, i.e., the Oratio Prima.

            19: Cat. 1.2


            24: Cat. 1.3-5

            26: Cat. 1.6


Mar.  3: Cat. 1.7-10

            5: Cat. 1.11


            10: Cat. 1.12-13

            12: REVIEW


FINAL EXAM/PAPER DUE: Tuesday, March 17, 2013, 4:30-6:20 pm, MGH 253