

NB: Items marked with an asterisk are on our reserve shelf in Odegaard Library.  Most of these items may be checked out overnight.


* = on our reserve shelf; = articles or books for report


Leeman, A.D.  A Systematical Bibliography of Sallust (1879-1964).  2nd edition. Mnemosyne Suppl. 4.  Leiden 1965.

Neumeister, C.  Neue Tendenzen und Ergebnisse der Sallustforschung (1961-1981).  Gymnasium 93 (1986) 51-68.

See also C. Kraus and A. Woodman, edd. Latin Historians.  Greece and Rome Surveys, 1997.


Allen, W.  "Sallust's Political Career."  StPh 51 (1954) 1-14.

Becker, C.  "Sallust." ANRW I.3 (1973) 731-42.

Blois, Lukas de,  The perception of expansion in the works of Sallust.  Latomus 47 (1988) 604-19. [any week]

Boldrini, Sandro.  L'imperialismo romano in Sallustio e Tacito.  Urbino 1973.

*Bchner, K.  Sallust.  Heidelberg 1982, 2nd edition.

__________.  Sallustinterpretationen, in Auseinandersetzung mit dem Sallustbuch von Ronald Syme.  Stuttgart 1967.

Canfora, L.  Sallustio e i triumviri.  In Xenia.  Scritti in onore di Piero Treves, ed. F. Broilo, 19-23.  Rome 1985.

Conley, D.F.  "The Stages of Rome's Decline in Sallust's Historical Theory."  Hermes 109 (1981) 379-82. [any week]

Due, O.S.  La position politique de Salluste.  C&M 34 (1983) 113-39. [any week]

*Earl, D. C.  The political thought of Sallust.  Cambridge 1961. [outstanding]

________.  "The Early Career of Sallust."  Historia 15 (1966) 302-11.

Elia, S. d.  Levoluzione della storiografia sallustiana (gli excursus storici).  In Raccolta di scritti in memoria di A. Tesauro I, 127-60.  Naples 1983. [any week]

Grtner, H,A.  Erzhlformen bei Sallust.  Historia 35 (1986) 449-73. [any week]

___________.  Die gesten in der Darstellung: Beispiel zur Bedeutung des mndlichen Vortrages fr das Verstndis der rmischen Historikertexte.  In Strukturen der Mndlichkeit in der rmischen Literatur, V.-S. Gira, ed., 97-116.  Tbingen 1990.  [discussion of speech in Roman historians, with attention to Sall. Cat. 8.1, 45.1-2, and Hist.  1.55 M]  [week 3]

Giancotti, F.  Strutture delle monografie di Sallustio e di Tacito.  Messina and Florence 1971.

Goodyear, F.R..D.  Sallust.  In The Cambridge History of Classical Literature, edd. P.E. Easterling and E.J. Kenney.  Vol 2: Latin Literature, pt. 2, the Late Republic, 94-106.  Cambridge 1982.

Hands, A.R.  Sallust and dissimulatio.  JRS 49 (1959) 56-60. [any week]

Hidalgo de la Vega, M. J.  Algunos aspectos del pensamiento poltico de Salustio.  SHHA II-III (1984-85) 103-18.

Katz, B.R.  Sallust and Pompey.  RSA 12 (1982) 75-83.

_______.  Did  Sallust have a guilty conscience?  Eranos 81 (1983) 101-11. [any week]

Koutroubas, D.E.  Metus hostilis as a factor of Roman history according to Sallust.  Ariadne 4 (1988) 81-90. [in Greek, with summary in English]

La Penna, A.  Sallustio e la rivoluzione romana.  Milan 1968.

Latta, B.  Der Wandel in Sallusts Geschichtsauffassung: vom Bellum Catilinae zu Bellum Iugurthinum.  Maia 40 (1988) 271-88. [week 5]

______.  Die Ausgestaltung der Geschichtskonzeption Sallust.  Vom Bellum Jugurthinum zu den Historien.  Maia 41 (1989) 41-57.

Latte, K.  Sallust.  Darmstadt 1962. [an important study, reprinted in the Pschl collection cited below]

*Leeman, A.D.  Orationis Ratio.  The Stylistic Theories and Practice of the Roman Orators, Historians and Philosophers.  2 vols. Amsterdam 1963.  [esp. Chap. 7]

Leeman, A.D.  "Formen sallustianischer Geschichtsschreibung."  Gymnasium 74 (1967) 109.

Lehmann, G. A.  Politische Reformvorschlage in der Krise der spaten romischen Republik.  Cicero De legibus III und Sallusts Sendschreiben an Caesar.  Meisenheim am Glan 1980.

Lepore, E., and L. Alfonsi, B. Riposati, I. Lana, and G. Marinangeli, edd.  Sallustiana.  Conferenze celebrative per il bimillenario Sallustiano anno academico 1967-68.  Florence 1969.

Malitz, J.  Ambitio Mala: Studien zur politischen Biographie des Sallust.  Bonn 1975. [any week]

Mller, R.  Zum Verhltnis von narrativen und strukurellen Elementen in der antiken Geschichtsschreibung.  SStor 10 (1986) 25-35. [includes Sallust]

Newbold, R.F.  Patterns of anxiety in Sallust, Suetonius and Procopius.  AHB 4 (1990) 44-50.

Paratore, E.  Sallustio. Rome 1973.

Pastorino, A.  Sallustio: letture critiche.  Milan 1978.

Paul, G.M.  Sallust.  In Latin Historians, ed. T.A. Dorey, chap. 4.  London 1966.

Perl, G.  "Sallusts Todesjahr."  Klio 48 (1967) 97-105.

Perrochat, P.  Les modeles grecs de Salluste.  Paris 1949.

Pschl, V.  Grundwerte rmischer Staatsgesinnung in den Geschichtswerken des Sallust.  Berlin 1940. [any week]

*________., ed.  Sallust.  Wege der Forschung 94.  Darmstadt 1981, 2nd. edition.  [differs from the first edition in the inclusion of Latte.  Articles include:

 -- Uber die Einleitung der Historien Sallusts / by Friedrich Klingner

 -- Sallust / by Hans Drexler

 -- Sallust als Politiker / by Eiliv Skard

 -- Der Aufbau des "Bellum Catilinae" / by Karl Vretska [week 3 or 4]

 -- Sallust und Thukydides / by Harald Patzer

 -- Prolegomena zu Sallusts "Bellum Iugurthinum" / by Paola Zancan

 -- Sallust und das Verhalten der romischen Nobilitat zur Zeit der Kriege                           gegen Jugurtha (112-105 v. Chr.) / by Kurt von Fritz [weeks 6-10]

 -- Sallust und Caesar im "Bellum Catilinae" / by Hugh Last [week 4]

 -- Studien zu Sallusts "Bellum Jugurthinum" / by Karl Vretska

 -- Die Bedeutung der Proomien Sallusts / by Antonio La Penna [week 5]

 -- Sallust / by Karl Bchner

 -- Die Reden Caesars und Catos in Sallusts "Catilina" / by Viktor Pschl. [week 4]

 -- Sallust / K. Latte (same as that cited above)

Rambaud, M.  Les prologues de Salluste et la dmonstration morale dans son oeuvre.  LEC 38 (1970) 417-47.  [week 5]

Sbordone, F.  Lezioni su Sallustio.  Naples 1964.

Scanlon, T.F.  The Influence of Thucydides on Sallust.  Heidelberg 1980. [There have been several important studies of the Greek influences at work on S. -- see Scanlon for the bibliography]   [any week]

*___________.  Spes Frustrata: A Reading of Sallust.  Heidelberg 1987.

Smith, H.  Factio, factiosus and nobilitas in Sallust. C&M 29 (1972) 187-96. [any week]

Steidle, W.  Sallusts historische Monographien: Themenwahl und Geschichtsbild.   Historia Einzelschriften 3.  Wiesbaden 1958. [any week]

Storoni Mazzolani, Lidia.  Empire without end.  New York 1976.

*Syme, R.  Sallust.  Berkeley 1964. [in general, the most important book on S. in English]

*Tiffou, E.  Essai sur la pense morale de Salluste la lumire de ses prologues.  Montreal and Paris 1973.

________.  Salluste et la gographie.  In Mlanges offerts Roger Dion, 151-60.  Paris 1974.

________.  "Salluste et la fortuna."  Phoenix 31 (1977) 349-60. [any week]

_______.  Sur le retraite de Salluste.  Salluste et Marc Antoine.  In Mlanges offerts en hommage tienne Gareau, edd. P. Brind'Amour and P. Senay.  CEA 14 (Ottowa 1982) 145-48.

Ullmann, R.  La technique des discours dans Salluste, Tite-Live et Tacite.  Oslo 1927.

Vretska, K.  Bemerkungen zum Bau der Charakteristik bei Sallust.  SO 31 (1955) 105-18. [any week]

Wistrand, E. K. H.  Sallust on judicial murders in Rome. A philological and historical study.  Goteborg 1968.

Bellum Catilinae


*McGushin, P.  C. Sallustius Crispus - Bellum Catilinae.  Mnemosyne Suppl. 45.  Leiden 1977.

*Ramsey, J.T., ed.  Sallust's Bellum Catilinae.  Scholars Press: Atlanta, GA 1984.

*Vretska, K., ed.  C. Sallustius Crispus.  De Catilinae Coniuratione.  2 vols.  Heidelberg 1976.


Critical Studies

Ableitinger, D.  Beobachtungen zur Caesarrede in der Coniuratio Catilinae des Sallust.  In Festschrift Karl Vretska, edd. D. Ableitinger and H. Gugel, 332-60.  Heidelberg 1970.

Batstone, W.W.  Incerta pro incertis.  An interpretation of Sallust Bellum Catilinae 48.4-49.4.  Ramus 15 (1986) 105-21. [week 4]

____________.  Quantum ingenium possum.  On Sallusts use of ingenium in Bellum Catilinae 53.6.  CJ 83 (1988) 301-6. [week 4]

____________.  The Antithesis of Virtue.  Sallusts Synkrisis and the crisis of the Late Republic.  ClAnt 7 (1988) 1-29 [week 4]

____________.  "Intellectual Conflict and Mimesis in Sallust's Bellum Catilinae."  In Conflict, Antithesis, and the Ancient Historian, ed. J.W. Allison, 112-132.  Columbus, OH 1990.

Bianco, O.  La Catilinaria di Sallustio e l'ideologia dell'integrazione.  Lecce 1975.

Boyd, B. W.  Virtus effeminata and Sallusts Sempronia.  TAPA 117 (1987) 183-201.  [week 2 or 3]

Briscoe, J.  Sallust, Cat. 50.3-5.  A reply to Heyworth and Woodman.  LCM 12 (1987) 50-51.  [report on this should include the reply to the Heyworth/Woodman article cited below.]  [week 4]

Glcklich, H.-J.  Gute und schlechte Triebe in Sallusts Catilinae Coniuratio.  AU 31.5 (1988) 23-41.  [weeks 1-4]

Gugel, H.  Bemerkungen zur Darstellung von Catilinias Ende bei Sallust.  In Festschrift Karl Vretska, edd. D. Ableitinger and H. Gugel, 361-81.  Heidelberg 1970. [week 4]

Heldman, K.  "Sallust, Cat. 3,1: bene dicere rei publicae?"  Hermes 114 (1986) 124-27. [week 1 or 2]

Heyworth, S.J. and A.J. Woodman.  Sallust, Bellum Catilinae, 50.3-5. LCM 11 (1986) 11-12.  [report on this should include Briscoe above]  [week 4]

Hock, R.P.  The role of Fortuna in Sallusts Bellum Catilinae.  Gerin 3 (1985) 141-51.  [weeks 1-4]

________.  Servile behavior in Sallusts Bellum Catilinae.  CW 82 (1988) 13-24. [weeks 1-4]

Keitel, E.  The Influence of Thucydides 7.61-71 on Sallust Cat.  20-21.  CJ 82 (1987) 293-300.  [week 2]

Klaus, K.  Die reden Caesars und Catos in Sallusts <<Catilinae Coniuratio>>.  Anregung 34 (1988) 156-64.  [week 4]

Leeman, A.D.  "Sallusts Prologe und seine Auffassung von der Historiographie."  Mnemosyne n.s. 7 (1954) 323-39.  [weeks 5-9]

Lewis, R.G.  Inscriptions of Amiternum and Catilinas last stand.  ZPE 74 (1988) 31-42.

MacKay, L.A.  "Sallust's Catiline: Date and Purpose."  Phoenix 16 (1962) 302-11.  [week 2]

MacQueen, B.D.  Platos republic in the monographs of Sallust.  Chicago 1981.

_____________.  Platos republic in the monographs of Sallust.  AncPhil 5 (1985) 344-47.

Paul, G.M.  Sallusts Sempronia.  The portrait of a lady.  In Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar 5, ed. F. Cairns, 9-22.  Liverpool 1985.  [weeks 2 or 3]

Renehan, R.  A Traditional Pattern of Imitation in Sallust and His Sources.  CP 71 (1976) 97-105.  [any week]

Sklenr, R. "La Republique des Signes: Caesar, Cato, and the Language of Sallustian Morality" TAPA 128 (1998) 205ff. [week 4]

Spaeth, Thomas "Salluste, Bellum Catilinae: un texte tragique de l'historiographie?" Pallas 49 (1998) 173-195. [week 4 or 5]

Vogt, J.  Cicero und Sallust uber die Catilinarische Verschworung.  Darmstadt 1966, reprint of 1938 ed.

Wimmel, W.  Die zeitlichen Vorwegnahmen in Sallusts ,Catilina. In Collectanea: Augusteertum und spte Republik, 339-68.  Wiesbaden 1987. [first published Hermes 95 (1967) 192-221]


Historical Studies (relevant to Cat.)

NB: For full bib. on the Catilinarian conspiracy see N. Criniti, Aevum 41 (1967) 370-95.

Bradley, K.  Slaves and the conspiracy of Catiline, Classical Philology  73 (1978), 329-36

Drummond, A.  Law, Politics and Power. Sallust and the Execution of the Catilinarian Conspirators. Steiner, 1995.

Phillips, E.J. Catilines conspiracy, Historia 25 (1976) 441-8.

Seager, R.  "The First Catilinarian Conspiracy," Historia 13 (1964) 338-47.

_______. Iusta Catilinae,  Historia 22  (1973) 240-8.

Stewart, Roberta "Catiline and the Crisis of 63-60 B.C.: the Italian Perspective" Latomus 54.1 (1995) 62-78

Sumner, G.V. The last journey of L. Sergius Catilina, Classical Philology  58 (1963), 215-19.

Waters, K.H. Cicero, Sallust and Catiline,  Historia 19 (1970) 195-215



Bellum Iugurthinum


*Paul, G.M.  A Historical Commentary on Sallust's Bellum Jugurthinum.  ARCA 13.  Liverpool 1984.

*Koestermann, E., ed.  C. Sallustius Crispus: Bellum Iugurthinum. Heidelberg 1971.


Critical Studies

Avery, H.  "Marius felix (Sallust, Jug. 92-94)."  Hermes 95 (1967) 324-30. [week 9]

Brescia, G.  Sallustio, Iug. 6,1.  Moduli lessicali e strutture logico-formali di un ritratto.  AFLB 31 (1988) 5-57.

*Bchner, K.  Der Aufbau von Sallusts Bellum Jugurthinum.   Hermes Einzelschriften 9.  Wiesbaden 1953.

Cipriani, G.  Sallustio e l'immaginario: per una biografia eroica di Giugurta.  Bari 1988.

Claassen, J.-M.  Sallusts Jugurtha -- Rebel or Freedom Fighter?  On Crossing Crocodile-Infested Waters.  CW 86.4 (1993) 273-97.  [weeks 5-9]

Giancotti, F.  Struttura del Bellum Iugurthinum di Sallustio.  Proposta di una soluzione diversa dalle precedenti.  Athenaeum 46 (1968) 80-101, 193-215.  [weeks 7-9]

Green, C.M.C. "De Africa et eius incolis: The Function of Geography and Ethnography in Sallust's History of the Jugurthine War (BJ 17-19)" AncW 24.2 (1993) 185-197. [weeks 7-10]

Hellegouarch, J.  Le proemium du Bellum Iugurthinum.  Actualit et signification politique.  Kentron 3 (1987) 7-16.  [week 5]

Josserandm C.  La modestie de Jugurtha (Salluste, BJ, VII,3).  AC 50 (1981) 427-31. [week 5]

Klimek, P.  Uber den Plan der Rede Adherbals bei Sallust.  Breslau 1902.

Latta, B.  Sallusts Einstellung zu den Gracchen im Spiegel des sog. Parteienexkurses: zur Interpretation des knotroversen Satzes: Sed bono vinci satius est quam malo more iniuriam vincere (Jug. 42,3).  Maia 42 (1990) 29-40.

*Leeman, A.D.  Aufbau und Absicht von Sallust Bellum Iugurthinum.  Amsterdam 1957.

___________.  "Sallusts Prologe und seine Auffassung von der Historiographie."  Mnemosyne n.s. 8 (1955) 38-48.  [weeks 5-9]

Levene, D. S.  Sallust's Jugurtha: An `Historical Fragment. JRS 82 (1992)  53ff.  [weeks 8-9]

Martin, P.M.  Le pouvoir dans le Bellum Iugurthinum.  La raison et la passion.  VL 103 (1986) 11-19. [weeks 5-9]

Oniga, R.  Il confine conteso: lettura antropologica di un capitolo sallustiano, Bellum Iugurthinum 79.  Bari 1990.

Parker, V.L.  Romae omnia uenalia esse. Sallusts Development of a Thesis and the Prehistory of the Jugurthine War. Historia 53 (2004) 408ff. [weeks 5-9]

Potz, E.  Sterben fr das Vaterland -- wozu?  Funktion und Bedeutung des Philaenenexkurses bei Sallust. GB 15 (1988) 85-98. [on BJ 79]  [week 8]

Reinhardt, U.  Sed bono vinci satius eest...?  Zu Sallust, Jug. 42,3.  RhM 127 (1984) 293-307.  [week 6]

Scanlon, T.F.  Textual Geography in Sallusts The War with Jugurtha.  Ramus  17.2 (1988) 138-75. [weeks 7-10]

Skard, E.  Marius Speech in Sallust, Jug. Chap. 85.  SO 21 (1941) 98-102. [week 8]

Vretska, K.  Studien zu Sallusts Bellum Jugurthinum.  Vienna 1955.

*Wille, G.  Der Mariusexkurs Kap. 63 im Aufbau von Sallusts Bellum Iugurthinum.  In Festschrift Karl Vretska, edd. D. Ableitinger and H. Gugel, 304-331.  Heidelberg 1970.  [week 7]

Wiedemann, Thomas "Sallust's Jugurtha: Concord, Discord, and the Digressions" G&R 40.1 (1993) 48ff. [weeks 7-10]


NB: The standard complete edition of the fragments of Sallust's Histories is that of B. Maurenbrecher,  Historiarum reliquiae (Leipzig 1891) – copy in seminar room.

Ahlheid, F.  Oratorical strategy in Sallusts letter of Mithridates reconsidered.  Mnemosyne 41 (1988) 67-92. [week 10]

Cugusi, P.  "Sallustio, Hist. fgr. inc. 22 MB: un frammento proemiale?"  Athenaeum 80.1 (1992) 193-96.

Konrad, C.F.  Why not Sallust on the eighties?  AHB 2 (1988) 12-15.

*McGushin, P., ed. and trans.  Sallust.  The Histories.  Volume I: Books i-ii.  Oxford 1992.  [This is a very, very good translation and commentary on the first two books.  Despite the absence of a Latin text -- Maurenbrecher, cited above, will not soon be replaced -- this is the most important study of the Histories to date.  The introduction is in itself a splendid introduction to S.]

Rawson, E.  Sallust on the eighties?  CQ 37 (1987) 163-80.

Salvo, L. di.  Studi sulle Historiae di Sallustio (1969-1982).  BStudLat 13 (1983) 40-58.  [bibliography]


Bennett, A. W.  Index verborum Sallustianus.  Hildesheim 1970.

Rapsch, J., D. Najock and A. Nowosad, edd.  Concordantia in Corpus Sallustianum.  2 vols. Hildesheim 1991.

Style/Word Studies

Albrecht, M. von.  Masters of Roman Prose, trans. N. Adkin, 68-85.  Leeds 1989.  [see here for complete (to 89) bib. of studies on Sallusts style]

De Meo, Cesidio.  Ideologia e stile in Sallustio. Per la definizione di alcune scelte nell'ambito della sintassi dei modi.  Bologna 1970.

Funari, Rodolfo "L'immagine della tabes come metafora di corruzione nel linguaggio morale di Sallustio e della prosa latina." Athenaeum 85.1 (1997) 207-214.

Paananen, U.  Sallust's politico-social terminology; its use and biographical significance.   Helsinki 1972.

Skard, E.  Sallust und seine Vorganger: eine sprachliche Untersuchung.  Oslo 1956.

Woodman, A. J.  Rhetoric in classical historiography: four studies.  Portland, Or. 1988.  [Chapter 3, pp. 117-159: Style and Attitude: Sallust and Livy.]


Historical Studies (relevant to Iug.)

NB: For full bib. on the Catilinarian conspirary see N. Criniti, Aevum 41 (1967) 370-95.

Badian, E.  Foreign Clientelae (264-70 BC).  Oxford 1958.

________.  Roman Imperialism in the Late Republic.  Oxford 19682.

Berthier, A.  La Numidie, Rome et le Maghreb.  Paris 1981.

Cambridge Ancient History, vol. 9.

Cimma, M.R.  Reges socii et amici populi Romani.  Milan 1976.

Fentress, E.W.B.  Numidia and the Roman Army.  Oxford 1979.

Gsell, S.  Histoire Ancienne de lAfrique du Nord.  8 vols.  Paris 1918-28.

Harris, W.V.  War and Imperialism in Republican Rome 327-70 B.C.  Oxford 1979.

Hellegouarch, J.  Le vocabulaire latin des relations et des partis politiques sous la rpublique.  Paris 1972.

Kurita, N.  "Who Supported Jugurtha?  The Jugurthine War as a Social Revolution."  In Forms of Control and Subordination in Antiquity, edd. T. Yuge and M. Doi, 164-68.  Leiden 1988.

Saumagne, C.  La Numidie et Rome: Masinissa et Jugurtha.  Paris 1966.

Scullard, H.H.  From the Gracchi to Nero.  London 19764.

Sherwin-White, A.N.  Geographical Factors in Roman Africa.  JRS 34 (1944) 1-10.

Teustch, L.  Das rmishce Stdtewesen in Nordafrika.  Berlin 1962.

Ussani, J. Farenga, ed.  Africa et Roma.  Rome 1979.