The Augustan Settlement of 27 BC Summarized

(see C&F B28; Jones p. 46 ff.)

1. The following provinces were given to Augustus to be governed by him for a period of 10 years ('imperial provinces'):

most of Spain

all Gaul

Syria, including Cilicia and Cyprus


provincial governors of imperial provinces (called propraetors regardless of previous rank) were appointed by Augustus personally and usually given some military authority

2. Augustus given right to declare war and make treaties

3. The following provinces were put under senatorial control ('senatorial provinces'):

Africa (consular)


Libya and Cyrene





Asia (consular)

Greece with Epirus

Baetica, in Spain

Bithynia and Pontus

Sardinia and Corsica

provincial governors for senatorial provinces (proconsuls or propraetors, depending on the magistracies they had held) appointed annually by lot, usually with little or no military authority. A five year period had to elapse between holding office and casting a lot for a province

4. Octavian given 'cognomen' Augustus

5. Augustus retains power to

appoint military tribunes from among equites

appoint procurators ('tax collectors')

6. Augustus restores consular elections and restores power to the traditional magistracies