Augustan Army Reforms


•creates permanent standing army

•stabilizes number of legions at 28 legions

•fixed term of service: 16 years at first, then from AD 6 20 years.

•creates aerarium militare (military treasury) to resolve the problem of the discharge ‘pension’: a new tax was levied to meet the demands of this. See C&F C3, p. 114

•benefits for soldiers:

peculium castrense: a soldier whose father was still lving could dispose of everything he acquired in military service, i.e., bypassing the authority of the father (patria potestas)

testamentum militare: a will made by a soldier was valid despite technical flaws as long as intent was plain

citizenship extended to all soldiers, thus encouraging enrollment by provincials (who would then be exempt from certain taxes)

•forbade soldiers to marry

•made praetorians permanent force of nine cohorts (1000 each)

served 12 yrs. at first, then from AD 5 16

pay doubled by Senate in 27 (3x what legionaires got)

•seems to have created a separate urban cohort; paid only half what praetorians were

•creates vigiles: 7 cohorts, made up of freedmen, in charge of various functions around the city, e.g. fire, policing, etc.

•creates two standing fleets at Misenum and Ravenna

commanded by equestrian prefects; captains of ships were imperial freedmen; manned by auxiliaries (provincials)