GENERIC IAT PROGRAM copyright by A. G. Greenwald, IAT Corp, 2001-2003, 2005. ************************************************************************ * THIS PROGRAM SHOULD NOT BE DISTRIBUTED TO OTHERS. ANYONE INTERESTED * * IN OBTAINING A CURRENT VERSION SHOULD CHECK AGG’S WEBSITE AT: * * (Click the link to IAT MATERIALS) * ************************************************************************ IMPORTANT: When Inquisit completes running and you see a black screen with Inquisit in small white print in the center, Type Ctrl-End in order to proceed. This screen lock feature (which can be removed by removing the "/ endlock = true" line from the "defaults" object in the program) is designed to prevent subjects from playing with the operating system after an experiment program terminates. ------------------- GENERAL DESCRIPTION ------------------- IATs are created from this script by substituting needed stimuli in various locations in the script. This document is designed so that all of these replacements can be made using MS Word's merge capability (see further, below). The needed substitutions are: - 1 Filename to be used as the name of the generated IAT procedure - 2 labels, 1 for each of two target categories (e.g., male and female) - up to 6 (min. 3) stimulus items to represent each of the two target categories - count of the number of stimulus items for each social group concept (3, 4, 5, or 6) - 'word' or 'picture' to indicate whether target concept items are words or pictures - 2 labels, 1 for each of two attribute concepts (e.g., pleasant and unpleasant) - up to 6 (min. 3) stimulus items to represent each of the two attribute concepts - count of the number of stimulus items for each trait concept (3, 4, 5, or 6) - 'word' or 'picture' to indicate whether attribute items are words or pictures The program generated by the merge will run with Millisecond Software's Inquisit laboratory software package. A free demo version of Inquisit can be obtained at Inquisit requires a Windows operating system. Please note that Inquisit is a commercial product. If a decision is made to use Inquisit on a sustained basis, a suitable license should be purchased from Millisecond Software. There is no business relationship between AGG and Millisecond software, but there is a connection: The President of Millisecond Software, Sean Draine, was a PhD advisee of AGG at University of Washington. Sean developed the first versions of Inquisit while still a PhD student at UW. ---------------------- OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (A): CREAING THE .EXP FILE ---------------------- In order to run one of the several IATs that are provided as examples, start the following instructions from Step 7. In order to create your own new IAT using MS Word's Merge capability, follow these instructions from the beginning (Step 1). NOTE: WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO IN STEPS (2)-(3) AND (7)-(11) MAY VARY DEPENDING ON YOUR VERSION OF MS WORD AND YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM. THIS DESCRIPTION IS ACCURATE FOR THE VERSION OF WORD IN OFFICE 2003 PROFESSIONAL, RUNNING UNDER WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL. (1) Open the document ('Inquisiit Generic IAT form.DDMmmYY.doc'). It should open as a Merge document with the associated data source 'GenericIATdata.doc' (If this does not happen, you will have to 'browse' until you locate and select this file.) (2) Open the Merge Helper by selecting Letters and Mailing in the Tools menu, then clicking Mail Merge (3) Under Step 3 (Select Recipients), select Edit Recipient List, then either click on the record for a previously constructed IAT that you wish to re-create, or (4) Create a new record, entering the items as appropriate for the IAT you wish to create (see the above list of 'needed substitutions' for what you will have to provide). These will be entered in a previously blank record after whatever records you find currently in the data source. (5) When finished, click OK (6) Save any changes you have just made in the data source file by saving a new version of that file with the SAME NAME as the previous version. (7) If you are starting at this point open the Merge Helper as described above in (2) (8) Go to Mail Merge Step 5 ('Preview your letters'). (9) At the File menu, click Save As, then (10) Select 'Plain Text' in the "Save as type" field under the filename (11) Provide an appropriate file name and give it an 'exp' extension (replacing the default 'txt' extension). Save into the intended folder, (so you can find your .exp file!). If asked for File Conversion options, select the 'Windows default'. (12) Run your new IAT script by double clicking the new .exp file in Windows Explorer. ----------- OTHER NOTES ----------- 1. Odd-numbered and even-numbered subjects differ in the order in which the two combined-task portions of the IAT are encountered. 2. You should be able to find several options for doing SPSS analyses of the data in the .dat file saved after running the .exp file. Different versions of this syntax compute different forms of the improved IAT measures, described by Greenwald, Nosek, and Banaji in JPSP, 2003. 3. The procedure starts with a computer-administered informed consent procedure that is standard in most studies using the IAT at University of Washington. That can be deleted or modified by deleting or modifying some or all of the 'preinstructions' pages of the 'expt' object at the very beginning of the program, below. The relevant pages are the ones named overview1, overview2, overview4, overview5, and consent. Their texts can be found near the bottom of the program. See the additional comment just below the following row of asterisks.