Arthur Fine
Ongoing Research

. I continue to study philosophical concerns that animated Einstein, particularly concerns that were influenced by his contributions to and reservations over the quantum theory. That includes a recent re-evaluation of the argument in the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paper.

Interpreting the Quantum. Studies on current options for interpreting the quantum theory, including: a fresh look at the classical no-go theorems, at quantum entanglement (including what "requires" explanation in science), and at the composition of quantum systems in recent realist treatments of the quantum state. These studies examine costs and benefits of conditions used in modeling quantum phenomena.

Science and Philosophical Isms continues the work of NOA as
an historically grounded and pragmatic attitude to science. The work includes studies on Poincaré and contemporary versions of structural realism, on relativism and foundationalism, and on the robust instrumentalism of John Dewey.